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Factors that led to constitutional convention of 1787 History Essay

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Essay must haves:

1. Thesis that address the question.

2. Address all aspects of the question.

3. Support your argument with relevant historical evidence - terms, names, concepts, dates , , ,

4. Historically accurate.

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Factors that led to constitutional convention of 1787
The Articles of Confederation was the first form of constitution formed in the United States. It was created in 1777 by the second convention to plan the structure of the new government and allow a central government. However, by 1786, the American people realized that the Articles of Confederation needed to be extensively revised (Park, 428). Although the Articles of Confederation helped the United States maintain its independence, encouraged domestic and foreign trade, and allowed people to move around the country freely; it did not give the congress the power to regulate domestic affairs and foreign policy; the federal government did not have authority to collect taxes or regulate trade; each state had their money systems, these economic troubles led to political movements like Shays rebellion that advocated and demanded a more decisive congress.
Under the Articles of Confederation, the congress was weak and had no power over individual states. Without the strong-arm power, the central government relied on financial support from in individual states, who often ignored their requests (National Constitution Center, np). For example, congress lacked the money to pay their soldiers and external loans advanced to finance the revolutionary war. This led to the bankruptcy of the United States, with the congress owing considerable debts to the European Union and investors. Besides, the young states engaged in fiscal discrimination wars among themselves (National Constitution Center, np). For instance, the southern states battled the northern states for financial benefit.
Moreover, the congress faced challenges in conducting foreign policy due to its inability to form and...
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