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The Housing Under New Deal Program History Essay Paper

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Textbook:Give Me Liberty!


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In 1934 Franklin Roosevelt declared in one of his radio "fireside chats" that he opposed a definition of liberty "under which for many years a few people were being gradually regimented into the service of the privileged few." Instead he preferred a definition in which "we are moving forward to greater freedom, to greater security for the average man . . . " (Give Me Liberty!, 840). Read FDR's comments. Cite an example of a New Deal program intended provide security. Do you think that the New Deal succeeded in this? If so, why? If not, why not?

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The Housing Under New Deal Program And How It Encouraged Segregation
When Franklin D. Roosevelt, FDR, as people called him, rose to presidential power in 1932, he ought to change America from the great depression (Foner, p. 821). Despite coming from a wealthy family, Roosevelt stood as the ordinary people's president and leader. He aimed for a better America that included people from the minority.
Roosevelt believed that rather than the freedom that served the privileged, it is better to be free altogether towards " greater freedom, to greater security" (Foner, p. 840). One of Roosevelt's answer to the great depression was the New Deal Program. In the program were acts and laws on different aspects that targeted lifting people and the economy to livable conditions.
Housing was one of the areas that the New Deal program gave a solution to. Under Roosevelt's New Deal program, homeowners and home loans and constructions were protected from closing (Foner, p. 828). The program funded the group of homeowners and related businesses to prevent their fall of industry. The program had also provided low-rent housing that sheltered several American families at low prices (Foner, p.828).
Because of the housing initiatives, the government created the National Housing Act of 1934 that aimed to protect homeowners and provide housing to the less fortunate Americans. Under this law, enhanced the loans, banking, and mortgages for house construction. This initiative allowed more Americans to afford housing after experiencing the great depression.
However, despite the housing program aiming to lift Americans from the great depression, it encouraged racial segregation (Hirsch). The housing program had only allowed generous loans ...
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