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The American Caste System

Essay Instructions:

Directions; This exam covers the whole course, but more heavily on the post Cold War era. Write an original analytical essay - supported by historical details - on the following prompt. Develop your college essay around an original thesis or main idea. Show-off your knowledge of course content. No citations or outside research are expected. Type up a Word document and then "files upload" a doc/docx or pdf document. (Canvas does not prefer "pages.") You are only allowed one submission; you cannot revise your work once it is submitted. The Canvas portal is open for 24 hours after the deadline for late work.

There is a maximum word count of 1000 words (about 8 paragraphs). Please write down your word count at the end of the essay (eg: WC = 932).

Warnings: If you exceed the maximum word count, there will be points deducted. If you are late, there will be point deductions. If you plagiarize even a little bit, the assignment will receive no credit.

PROMPT: In Isabel Wilkerson's book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, 2020, she suggests that America's entire social structure is an unrecognized "caste" system - primarily based on race. In your study of the last 150 years of American history, do you agree that our American racial caste system is rigid? Have African Americans - and others - been able to progress and make significant strides in social justice especially since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement? Why or why not? Add plenty of historical details to support your thesis.

(You do not need to read or know the Wilkerson book, and you do not need to know the Indian caste system. See Zoom session for more tips.)

Photo caption: This is a chart of the Indian caste system that might help you understand Wilkerson's point. You might think of the American robber barons as the top Brahmin class, the American middle class as the Vaishyas, and the American people of color as "Untouchables". In India's traditional caste system, there is very little movement between castes. That is Brahmins marry Brahmins, Untouchables cannot get jobs, housing, or education reserved for Vaishyas, and the like. This is just a model to consider.

URL to textbook. https://openstax(dot)org/books/us-history/pages/28-1-the-challenges-of-peacetime

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The American Caste System
Institutional Affiliation
The American Caste System
In the U.S., the issue of inequality comes out as class or race. A majority of Americans would be shocked to discover that anything like caste could be predominant in a nation that prides itself as founded on liberty. The caste system in India defines social status by birth and limits job opportunities within a particular community. It would appear that in America, a caste system cannot exist at all. However, an examination into the history of the U.S. demonstrates a rigid racial caste system and continues to have adverse effects on African Americans.
American Caste System
Most Americans are convinced that the racial caste system that dominated the colonial era has vanished. The American caste system today is not as rigid as it was during colonial times. However, the idea that it continues to operate many decades after independence and the advancement of society demonstrates that it is deeply embedded in the American system. One would expect that since American has witnessed economic, social, political, and technological advancement, casteist ideologies are long gone. On the contrary, such ideologies continue to form a part of everyday life for Americans.
At the bottom of the caste hierarchy are the people of color. Disadvantaged since colonial times, African Americans, in particular, continue to suffer more. The system renders a rigid hierarchical system that includes whites and excludes the minority African Americans and other people of color. The social hierarchy pushes African Americans to the bottom of the pyramid. The inequality and race gap in educational opportunities demonstrates how the caste system has permeated even the education system. The ideology reinforces the fact that African Americans are different from their white counterpart. In the eyes of society, whites are superior to blacks, and that is how it should remain. When blacks attempt to make upward social mobility, they soon discover that the system is too rigid for them to succeed. African Americans have to work harder than whites to qualify for the same opportunities.
Most Americans tend to view marginalization from the lenses of class and race problems. They fail to see how casteist ideologies have defined the bottom as the place for blacks. Whites have unearned privileges, just like the Brahmins in India. Because of their skin color, whites find themselves exposed to numerous opportunities to pursue the American dr...
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