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Should Athletes be Allowed to Use Steroids or Not?

Essay Instructions:

The debate over athletes' use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs has taken on newfound urgency in recent years.

Those who oppose the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs say that the athletes who use them are breaking the rules and getting an unfair advantage over others. Opponents of the drugs say the athletes are endangering not only their own health, but also indirectly encouraging youngsters to do the same. Others maintain that it is hypocritical for society to encourage consumers to seek drugs to treat all sorts of ailments and conditions but to disdain drug use for sports. They say the risk to athletes has been overstated and that the effort to keep them from using performance-enhancing drugs is bound to fail.

So what do you think? Should athletes be able to use steroids or not? Tell me why or why not in 2 pages (post as an attachment-12 font double space). Include facts to support your opinion.

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Should Athletes Be Able to Use Steroids or Not
Over the years, healthcare providers have encouraged individuals to embrace sports to keep their bodies active and fit. Therefore, the rate of athletes globally has been increasing at alarming rates. Unfortunately, some athletes cannot perform these activities without using steroids to boost their overall performance. However, other people see this process as unacceptable, leading to massive debates concerning whether it is right for athletes to use steroids or not. Allowing the participants to use these steroids should be discouraged. Steroids can lead to side effects on players' health; managing these steroids is complex, producing poor-quality drugs and undermining integrity and fairness.
The use of steroids threatens the health of athletes. They are associated with both physical and mental side effects. Some risks include acne, insomnia, fluid retention, liver and reproductive function repercussions, kidney failure, heart conditions, and psychiatric illness (Bhasin et al., 1786). These illnesses pose a major threat to an athlete's health, especially when steroids are not appropriately regulated. The mental repercussions include stress and depression when athletes use them and fail to win in a competition, meaning that the athlete does not achieve their goals. The effect might interfere with an athlete's personal life, which may lead to quitting.
Regulating the use of steroids is difficult. In a situation where there is no proper supervision in their use, it might lead to circumstances where some athletes overdose to boost their prowess in a competition. Allowing the use of steroids means eliminating anti-doping regulations, which might complicate their use. Thus, concerns on whether it will be illegal to use steroids only when there is no medical supervision and the evidence to show that the steroid in an athlete's body will
Furthermore, allowing athletes to use steroids can lead to the production of poor...
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