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University Admissions paper. About Dr. Laurent Duvernay Tardiff.

Essay Instructions:

This is a university admissions paper. The topic is about Dr. Laurent Duvernay Tardiff. I would like the paper to include this quote in some way, preferably cut down a bit.

"For all those kids out there who are questioning themselves about whether they should go to school to pursue hockey or football and still study something like medicine, now there’s someone who’s done it. I want to show you can be a student-athlete. I believe balance is the key to success."

The paper has to emphasize the importance that Laurent has inspired me, as a fellow Canadian, that I can also pursue Academics and Athletics and be successful in both. Please mention that I plan to play football in university and be successful in my academics as well, and that is why I look up to Laurent.

The specific topic of the essay is as follows: "tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way".

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December 24, 2018
Dr. Tardiff – The Man Who Influenced Me
One of the most common misconceptions for students, before they enter college, is that academics and athletics are two opposite sides of the coin. They firmly believe that some sort of mutual exclusivity exists between these parts of a student’s life and that focusing on one means compromising the other. Similarly, this has also been my belief when I was younger and during those times when I started playing football. However, it was Dr. Laurent Duvernay Tardiff, a physician and a football guard for the Kansas City Chiefs who changed this perspective of mine. In one interview with him, he said that students who are doubtful of themselves, as to whether they could balance both academics and athletics, should become aware that doing so is not impossible. He himself was able to finish medicine, which one of the most difficult paths to take, while also pursuing his career as a professional football player. His life story is the one the things that really inspired me and made me realized that I could be whomever I want to be as long as I am determined and work hard to achieve those goals.
Another thing that inspired me was his idea about the need for a “sense of balance” between the different facets of our lives. On the one hand, hard work is e...
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