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Summary of the Opinions of Scholars on "The Good Day" by Pearl S. Buck

Essay Instructions:

The student will research some literary aspect of one assigned reading (no more than 2 of the Independent Reading Logs may be short stories). The student will summarize the opinions of 2-3 scholars on this aspect (300-500 words) and then write a 300 word reflection on how the findings impact interpretation of the work. This should include a Works Cited page and be in MLA format.

Choice of texts

- Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. (Any edition)

- O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1971. Print.

Stories to read: “Greenleaf,” “Judgement Day,” “The Enduring Chill,” “Good Country People,” “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” “Revelation”

- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. (Any edition; the book is freely available online.)

- Wiebe, Rudy. Peace Shall Destroy Many. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2001. Print.

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Independent Readings Essay
Summary of the Opinions
The "Good Earth" presents Wang Lung as a character with positive attributes. His live struggles reflect the ancient Chinese Society that relied on land as a source of livelihood people work as farmers. Wang engages in farming to sustain his family. However, a major weakness is noted when he gains excessive wealth and gets involved in pleasures that negatively affects his marriage. Santosa, (127), therefore, explains how farming changed Wang's social and economic conditions. Wang Lung has much affection for the land. He prefers staying on land for major part of his time. The author states that ".. and if he grew too weary in the day, he laid himself into the furrow.."(Buck, 137). The author explains the significance of land concerning the ancient perception of the area which was a primary source of wealth. According to Santosa's (127), aspiration of gaining wealth depended on the acquisition of land, and this was also initiated through economic and social challenges evident through the life of Lung's family. Santosa's further describes Lung as a hardworking person. This is also evident when he persuades his uncle to work when he asked him for money.
The interpretations of the characters vary due to different personalities that reflect on their attitude toward lives' challenges. Wang Lung is an imperfect but hardworking farmer who suffers hardships as he accumulates his wealth (Buck, 1447). His encounters explained detailed features of the Chinese traditions such as those of his duty in a family. Furthermore, his keen sense of morality plays a major in presenting cultural values and beliefs of society (Buck, 1447). As he acquires wealth, his life changes and indulges in more pleasures.
Similarly, O-Lan, his wife, is a hardworking woman who according to Wang Lung is valuable in her skills and work ethics. Though she is less educated, she has valuable abilities to recognize her faults and address problems. The whole story reflects sympathy, diverse political factors and high poverty levels faced in the society.
Li et al., (1) have similar perceptions of the characters. They described Lung as a hardworking and similar character is observed in his wife, O-Lan. The authors further explained how Lung's role changed as he gained more wealth (Li et al., 1). For instance, he marries another woman, Lotus. Along with Wang's attitude toward his wife, the terrible conditions of women i...
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