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Owen David The Efficiency Dilemma The New Yorker

Essay Instructions:

Essay of 550 words plus, write an extend summary of David Owens' New orker article "The Efficiency Dilemma" This essay will be both targeted and limited to a specific topic and refrain from using the first person("I") instead, you will likely use signal phrases such as "Owens argues that," "Owens suggest that," Owens claims that," Here are some signal words: identifies, explains, describes, shows, reflects on, illustrates, persuades, examines, etc. 1. Provide a brief intro that includes the who(author), the what(article title), the when(the date of article), the where(the name of the publication). 2. State your own words what you consider to be the primary claim(the thesis) the article rests on and or explores. 3. summarize in your own words key points and examples Owens uses to support his claim. It is likely that you will detail these points in individual paragraphs. 4. Briefly summarize what you see as Owens' purpose, or objective, for sharing his research and experience.(Do not use the first person: I believe, I think, I feel---just say it.)

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Student’s Name
Owen, David. "The Efficiency Dilemma." The New Yorker 20.27 (2010): 78-84.
The Efficiency of Dilemma is an article that was written by David Owen. The article was published in December 2010 in New York. The main theme of this article is on the efficiencies of the firth fuel that is coal, petroleum, nuclear power and renewable sources of energy. The article tries to solve the dilemma of whether saving more means using more. The thesis of Owen is that as society tends to become more energy efficient, it ends up becoming inefficient. The pursuit of energy efficiency is smart for people. Owen illustrates how April the federal adopted several standards for the automobiles requiring manufacturer in order to improve the average fuel economy if the new car fleets by 2016. Owen suggests that energy efficiency has been referred to as the fifth fuel because it is seen as a cost-free tool of accelerating the transition of the green economy. Some economists have however argued that some of the efforts used to improve energy efficiency can more than contradict environmental advantages.
Owen also argues that when the efficiency of fuel increases then people tend to lose more than 10% of the fuel savings to intensified use. The author also suggests that Brookes suggested that devising methods of producing goods with less fuel is an obvious response to high prices and this can accommodate new prices, therefore, making energy consumption high. Increasing energy efficiency means increasing productivity in energy. Therefore Owen asserts that if people increase ...
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