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Guided Argumentative Research Negative impacts of Video Games on Kids

Essay Instructions:

1. Title should contain information.

2. The information in the first paragraph is about a specific background and thesis, which is summarized in one sentence and should include topic, argument and main reasons.

Evidence (expert quotes) and analysis.

4. Have and only one counterargument(maybe research as well).

5. Also have and have only one rebuttal.

6. Conclusion short&sweet.

There is only one specific argument/focus point

Don't write on topics that are too common (death penalty, etc.)

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Negative impacts of Video games on kids
A video game is an electronic game that uses a user interface to develop a recurrent response on a video device. Players view the games on a video screen or computer monitor. Video game industry is seen to be growing and ranks third in the United States entertainment industry. Examples of such games include computer space, Magnavox Odyssey, and Pong designs (Markey et al. 277). They are classified as casual games, educational games and serious games played by men, women, and children (Boxer et al. 672). Leading developers of video games are the graphic designers and programmers. Video game industry has however faced several critics due to the negative impacts it imposes on kids. There is a need therefore, to look deeply into the effects video games have on kids such as addiction, poor performance in schools, adverse health effects and aggressiveness. The paper then tries to analyze and find possible solutions to the above challenges associated with video games.
The negative impacts of video games are propaganda, sexual themes, profanity and depiction of violence, poor performance in schools, adverse health conditions drug abuse and development of criminal activities. Detractors of video games are religious groups, parents, scientists, politicians and advocacy groups. They argue that video games lead to violent behaviors’ and addiction in kids. The critics advocate for the subjection of video games to legislative restrictions and oversights as argued by Decamp, Whitney, and Ferguson pp.392.
Video games make kids more aggressive. Kids with large exposure to violence in video games end up becoming more aggressive to people within their social environment. They also become aggressive in thoughts, behaviors’ and feelings. For instance, they always find it hard to engage in social activities due to the aggressiveness as explained by Boxer et al. 272. Lastly, aggressiveness in gamers is associated with lower empathy and emotional feelings. In most cases, aggressiveness leads to an unnecessary argument between kids and their parents, and sometimes kids will want to imitate what they saw on the video.
Violent video games cause a depiction of violence in kids. In the process of playing, the kid is exposed to violence and brutal experiences such as stabbing, shooting, and killings. The repetitive and active participation and awards for being more violent are the tools for learning behavior (DeCamp, Whitney, and Ferguson 395). Therefore, all these are an indication that video games contribute to violence and aggressiveness in kids. For instance, children playing video games often fail to differentiate between fantasy and reality since they believe that what they see is the reality.
Kids who frequently play video games often show hasty behavior and attention problems. They may develop complicatedness of sustaining a specific practice to achieve their goals. According to Catherine Steiner-Adair kids should have their free time to process their thoughts, deal with anxiety, daydream and engage their parents. The parent will always help them to get reassurance (Boxer et al. 673). Their changes in behavior are as a result of too much gaming leading to addiction thus the reason for the kids developing hasty behaviours.
Addiction is the most adverse effect of the video game on kids. Kids addicted to video games are prone to suffering from social phobia, reduced performance in school and increased anxiety levels. The kids may sometimes suffer from depression when they can’t win. Too much video game make kids socially isolated since they spend less time interacting with their family and peers and even sporting. They always tend to forget about their hobbies and even personal hygiene as they become more addicted to the games hence leading to social phobia.
Kids who play video games are vulnerable to online challenges and dangers. The problems may be related to the adoption and use of wrong languages and risky behaviors’ from other people. Teens should be advised and controlled on what type of video games to watch and be punished for using bad language on others. DeCamp, Whitney, and Ferguson p.395 in their book argues that the parent should monitor the kind and nature of games their children play and try to control their behaviors’.
Gamers are associated with adverse health conditions and disorders. The most common issues are nerve compression, obesity, and video-induced seizures. Adolescents may also develop inattention problems leading to poor performance in schools due to inability to concentrate (Weigle 120). It is clear that in the long run, kids who play the video game may have a long-term problem with concentration. It is evident that game addiction leads to health issues such as eyestrain, backaches, obesity, numbness and even headache in kids.
Video games lead to poor performance in school. Many game players skip their homework to play game hence poor grades in school and their general performance (Boxer et al. 672). Addiction to video games in most case...
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