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Guided Argumentative Essay

Essay Instructions:

Thesis statement: (argument)

The more developed the communication tools, the farther people are away from each other. Shortening the time spend on smartphone can be beneficial for individual’s psychology, social life and physical health.

1. No subtitles are needed to separate paragraphs.

2. Support with academic resource and evidence.

3. Need a counter-arguments.

4. Analyze from three aspects of thesis. psychology, social life and physical health.

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Effects of Smart phones
Human beings are living in an era of advanced technology and every part of our daily lives is connected to the science of craft in one way or another. Technological advancement has led to many discoveries, better luxuries and improved facilities that have dramatically changed the life of human beings. Highly developed gadgets and communication tools related to the internet have altered the way in which human beings communicate with each other, behave, use humor and play. Technological advancement has created numerous new ways of electronic communications such as voicemails, social sites, emails and video conferencing. The more developed the communication tools, the farther people are away from each other. Shortening the time we spend on the smart phone can be beneficial for an individual’s psychology, social life, and physical health.
The advancement of communication tools such as smart phones lead to isolation. Human beings have isolated themselves from each other especially in this digital era. For instance, people spend most of their time walking around their small world staring at the screen of their smart phones, iPods and latest mobile device even when they are around others. Several studies by researchers have proved that people who are socially isolated have shorter live cycles as compared to those who spend time with each other. Such people may suffer from psychological diseases (Van Deursen et al. pp.412). . Therefore shortening the time we spend on a smart phone can help manage the whole situation of social isolation.
Development of advanced communication tools has stripped the world of privacy. Most people have used social sites such as Face book to display their life story and all that is happening around their world. Displaying their story on social sites has deprived them of their social privacy since every bit of their lifestyle is known. Secondly, some people with dangerous thoughts use viruses, phishing and hacking to help them obtain confidential information about people. Furthermore, with a few flicks on the keyboard, the average person can find contact information and address of anyone they wish too (Van Deursen et al. pp.415). Lack of privacy has led to increased tendencies of crossing social boundaries such as stalking someone and sharing of unsolicited nude photos it is therefore clear that distancing ourselves from these communication tools will help individuals restores their privacy.
Thirdly, the increased use of smart phones has led to increased rates of deceits. Most people use social sites to display fake lifestyles which in reality are not what they are. For instance, they create fake profiles, especially on dating sites (Van Deursen et al. pp.416). . On the other hand, investigating bodies such as the FBI’s may use these sites to get the information they want from an individual suspect. Most people will only believe these when they witness their colleague being arrested. It is therefore evident that social sites such as Instagram and Face books are full of fake lives. One should take time to thoroughly investigate an individual’s life before disclosing any information to them (Samaha, Maya, and Nazir pp.321).
Continuous use of smart phones has led to a lack of social bonds among peers. Occasionally, creating long-lasting bonds among peers and pressures always requires a face to face interaction. However, the more people continue to isolate themselves with technology, the looser the social bonds become. It is also clear that most of the young generation always prefer c online communication to face to face communication (Bian, Mengwei, and Louis Leung pp.64). Therefore, members of the same family, peers, and children, therefore, lack the special opportunity to interact and create stronger bonds with each other. The younger generation is more addicted to social media thus spending most of their time in isolation.
Addiction to communication tools such as smart phones and iPods have led to the existence of poor physical health. For examples, developmental issues in kids, head and neck pains, depression and obesity as postulated by Samaha, Maya, and Nazir pp.323. Usually, most people spend their time on playing video games, watching videos on YouTube and talking to friend’s online not sparing time for exercising and engaging in active activities. According to Cha, and Bo-Kyung people who are addicted to smart pho...
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