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Writing Techniques in Stephen King’s Article

Essay Instructions:

Please write carefully to read the writing requirements in the prompt, there is a file listing the types of techniques. There must be a corresponding citation and analysis in each body paragraph. Ppt is a simple analysis of this article. The author can refer to it but not necessarily use the contents of the ppt. Do not quote any materials other than this one.

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Name Tutor Course Date Writing Techniques in Stephen King’s Article Various techniques and tools are used in writing to achieve various purposes. For a writing project to be successful, a writer must choose the right tools and techniques. Familiarity with the tools and techniques helps a writer to harness their full writing potential. It helps them identify when the techniques need to be used, how to use them, and how to explain their application. The most commonly used writing tools and techniques include imagery, repetition, anecdotes, quotations, metaphors, among others. A good understanding of the various writing tools and techniques are also crucial in the analysis of a completed project. In analyzing a reading, one must be able to identify the message that the author seeks to relay, the techniques employed, as well as the reasons for choosing the particular techniques. Moreover, one should be able to explain how the techniques helped the author improve their story and connect with the audience. Writing techniques allow an author to convey their message in a way that the target audience understands and appreciates. This will be confirmed by identifying, analyzing, and explaining the various writing techniques employed in Stephen King’s article. The impact of the techniques in conveying the intended message will also be explored.Through this article, Stephen King seeks to show how people can improve their writing. The article is quite straightforward, and the writer dives right into his intended theme; everything a writer needs to know about writing successfully. The introduction of the article outlines the target audience as well as what the article contains. The article is organized in sections, making it easy to navigate and understand. He uses imperative language to convey the message. Various writing techniques are also used. Telling an anecdote is one of them. An anecdote refers to a short story about something that happened to the writer or someone that the writer knows. Writers use anecdotes to illustrate a point, give a personal perspective, make people think deeply about something or to make them laugh. It also helps the author create a connection with the audience. Since anecdotes are stories, their structure bears a resemblance to that used in long stories. The story must be introduced, and the author can choose to draw a conclusion or ask the audience a question that will enable them to think and reach their conclusions. The important people involved in the anecdotes must also be introduced. However, people and events that carry little or no relevance to the anecdote should not be included. The events in the anecdote should be explained chronologically. After briefly mentioning his background, King gives an anecdote of how he got into writing. He tells of an event during his sophomore year that got him into trouble with his teachers but ultimately helped him meet John Gould, who taught him the writing lessons that he conveys in the article. John Gould, the major character in the anecdote, is well described while the other characters such as the teachers are left in the shadows (King 448). Stephen King is a big name. Most budding writers might think that he had everything together right from the start. However, by sharing a personal sto...
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