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Animal’s Behind Bars: What Should Change?

Essay Instructions:

Your third essay (4-5 pages) will be a proposal, an argument of policy that persuades a real target audience to take action. You should write this essay as a letter to your actual target audience, as though you will actually mail it. To do that, you’ll need to come up with a realistic and actionable proposal, figure out who has the power to implement it, and look up actual contact information for your letter heading (Attached file). You’ll also want to tailor your arguments to the interests and concerns of this particular target audience. And if you do a great job, go ahead and mail it!

The first step toward completing the essay will be to find a problem that needs to be solved. Use an idea you brainstorm in class, an idea from an article you find, or something from your field of study, but make sure the problem is significant and specific.

The next step will be to think of a solution and formulate a claim. Your claim should state your solution using the form recommended by the textbook: X should do Y because Z. To give your argument good direction, make sure that X and Y are nice and specific, and that Z focuses on the future benefits of your solution.

In your essay, you’ll first have to convince your audience that there’s a problem. You can do that by offering a memorable illustration of it, describing its current state, explaining its history (including how other solutions have failed), showing it is significant and urgent, demonstrating how it affects the target audience, and answering any objections you expect. As always, support your ideas with all three persuasive appeals, using as much robust rhetoric as possible.

Next, you’ll have to persuade your audience to pursue your solution. That means proving it really will provide the benefits you claim, describing the steps necessary to implement it, providing actual costs and showing how they will be covered, explaining why your solution is better than other possible solutions, and overcoming the objections you’re likely to come across. As always, support your ideas with all three persuasive appeals, using as much robust rhetoric as possible.

Your conclusion should call the audience to action. In some cases, that might mean making a direct request for the action you desire. In other cases, it might mean using persuasive techniques that will motivate your target audience to take action. There are a number of effective strategies for this, but here are three that you might find particularly useful: One, you can tell another story about how the solution has impacted someone’s life. Two, you can end with a description of how the problem might become more severe if your solution is not implemented. Three, you can give practical information for pursuing the first step of your proposal—if the first step is to consult a particular architect, for example, provide his or her contact information and business hours.

Make sure to cite your sources correctly both in the text and on the works cited page according to MLA conventions. Also continue to revise your writing for concision, clarity, and vividness.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Animals behind bars
The United States considers itself to be a compassionate and God fearing country. However, imprisoning wild animals in zoos, aquariums and parks from birth to death for commercial purpose is neither compassionate nor God fearing. Animals confined in zoos lack almost everything that their mates in the wild experience. This includes sufficient environment to roam and play and the opportunity to willingly select whom to mate and share the environment with. In fact, while in captivity, all elements of their lives are influenced through various control measures. Wild animals belong in the wild and not in zoos and sanctuaries, where their safety and well-being are not prioritized. As a result, this paper calls on the Mayors and city councils to formulate mechanism of shutting down all zoos in their jurisdictions.
Due to insufficient space in zoos, parks, and aquariums, tigers repeatedly run round the length of their confinements hoping to get a larger and more suitable environment. On the other hand, birds can barely spread their wings because they are forced to share small cages with other birds. In addition, bears are forced to stand on concrete floor. The few that are lucky leave marks of their paws in the dirt because they step there again and again. For Dolphins, rather than enjoying the whole ocean, they are forced to swim in endless circles in small tanks. As a result of lack of activities, many chimpanzees decide to chew their own body parts such as fingers until they start bleeding. Hence, the unmitigated monotony of captive animals’ existence goes far beyond mere boredom.
Therefore, it is obvious that parks and zoos cannot offer the type of environment that the wild offers wild animals. This is particularly true for animals that are accustomed to larger territories such as fish, tigers and elephants. While comparing zoos and parks to the wild, lions and tigers are approximated to have 18,000 times less space. On the other hand, Polar bears are estimated to have one million times less space (Van Tuyl, 68). As a result, animals in parks, zoos, and aquariums display unusual characteristics that indicate psychological stress and torture such as bar biting and injuring themselves. Therefore, zoos of all kinds are barbaric, if not outdated. Animals are not specimens to be gawked at, kept like stuffed dolls on display.
However, specialists working at zoos and aquariums claim that the dangers of the wild are so great that animals are safer in confinements. In fact, they claim that such facilities foster interest in animals and the natural world in young people. Nevertheless, think about dinosaurs. No child has ever seen a dinosaur in the flesh, yet children across the world are enchanted by them: their club-like tails, the spikes starring their spine. Therefore, it is not proximity that inspires interest in young people, but distance. Knowing that animals exist not near us but, rather, deep in their own habitat allows them mystique. Hence, the distance that creates this anxiety allows animals the lives they are meant to have.
In addition, wild animals are biologically created to adapt to their surroundings. For instance, a gorilla has evolved to crack open a green coconut and to protect her young ones from leopards. In contrast, a gorilla cannot evolve to understand that a 3-year old human in his cage should be protected. However, gorillas are animals, which by nature are dangerous thus cannot be domesticated. As a result, zoos are just but hurting these animals rather than protecting them. In addition, between 1960 and 2005 in European zoos, African female elephants only lived for an average of 16.9 years compared to an average of 35.9...
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