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Role Models and Their Influence

Essay Instructions:

Examine your development by exploring three of your role models (one from childhood, one from early adolescence, and one from today).
Just make up my role models for childhood and early adolescence, as long as you include my mom as my role model TODAY. Also, add quotes, please. Thank you!
Explore the impact and influence these people have had on you at these different stages of your life, including: What did you admire about each of the role models? How do you reflect their influence today? Include a physical description of each person; use specific examples to prove your points, and give equal discussion to each role model.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role Model
Life usually happens in the most interesting of ways. One day one is a kid, running around and being entirely dependent on the parents. In another moment, one is a young adult, transitioning from childhood and throwing all the care in the world. Then the next one is an adult, with every decision being made crucial to themselves. It is always essential to have a role model throughout these stages, someone who will act as a guide. As for me, my dad, uncle and mother have been my role models through these three stages.
During Childhood
Very few people dare to say this from their childhood, but my dad was my ultimate role model at this stage of my life. This slim, soft-spoken, and often quiet gentleman was the epitome of the perfect father and perfect man for me. He seemed to have it all; the time, the energy, a great mind, a good job and the right social circle that everyone would like to have. He used to seem to know what we wanted even without us saying it. My dad used to take me to school and pick me up afterward. He was so strict with education and always wanted to talk to my teachers to know exactly how I am doing in school. He never raised a hand to me but always embraced diplomacy, despite my tender age. He loved talking and talking, advising me on so many things. "I will not change you by beating you up; discipline comes from within," he once said. This made me embrace self-discipline, a quality that I have grown with to this day.
He liked taking us out for lunch and some recreational activities during weekends. He always insisted on us doing some exercise and playing around rather than just sitting there taking junk food. It was his particular nature that really stood out. He was always so specific with everything he wanted. He was unequivocal with what he wanted mum to do, where he wanted us to be in a year or so, what we should be eating. I think my dad painted to me the picture of a model family. "What should matter to you is that you have people who love you and nothing else," he once said. He meant there was a great deal of importance in being part of a family. It was healthy and worth fighting for.
During Early Adolescence
My uncle was my role model during my adolescence. I cannot believe I came through that stage successfully without any issues since it was the most tempting and the most challenging phase of my life. My uncle was like a friend to me. Considering he was younger than both my mum and dad, I found it quite easy to relate with him. He was also quite simple. He could pass for a local guy around the streets since he was always down to earth and loved dressing in the simplest ...
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