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Profile Essay About a Person who Loves Soccer

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, I wanted you to submit your thoughts on the example Profile Essay you were asked to read this week in class--- as well as tell me some ideas you’re having in regard to your own Profile Essay. I’m excited to read your thoughts here, so be thorough! This week in class, I provided an example Profile Essay for all of you. With the Profile Unit, I find it to be extremely helpful to have examples and it also serves as a wonderful opportunity to learn about the stories of those surrounding us. In this essay, I wrote for you about my best friend. It’s my hopes that you’re able to read this example and see how you can avoid “I,” how you can show versus tell, the importance of introducing and including quotes, and choosing your tense that you’re writing in--- whether it’s active or passive tense.

For this submission, I want you to spend some time writing about what stood out to you in the essay. What details stood out most about the person being written about? What was the theme/tone of the essay? Considering you don’t know this person, how did you feel before reading it, during the essay, and after? If you got to talk to this individual after reading this essay, what is something you would want them to know that stood out to you? Think about how you view them through just the essay and write about that. Furthermore, start thinking about how you can do this in your own work. What is something that worked well in this essay? What is something that perhaps didn’t? What did you learn about this person? What is something you wanted to know more of and why do you think that is? By answering these questions, I hope it helps you jumpstart your thinking process with your own!! Just like with the HONY videos or the website, these individuals start out as strangers, but become familiar as we find pieces of ourselves in their stories or when we’re reminded of the people in our own lives through their words. When writing this essay, I took great care and time to make sure I was honoring someone important in my life--- and it’s my goal that you’ll do the same with choosing/interviewing/writing your essay. This is your opportunity to give someone else a voice and to write their story, and I’m so excited to see what you come up with. It can be hard to think about how to write the Profile because people have so many stories to tell, but truly with this one, I sat down and asked one question--- and it led to an entirely different answer.

Sometimes all we have to do is take the time to really, actually listen.

*** This should be a minimum of 30+ sentences

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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It was a beautiful day, and Savannah appeared to be well-prepared for the upcoming interview via Zoom. She remained in her room and was at ease and confident throughout the conversation. She responded enthusiastically to the questions posed to her. Her movements and smiles revealed that she was overjoyed. Her actions and characteristics revealed a positive attitude towards the interview, although it was conducted online. Suen et al. state that it is possible to illustrate such an attitude during an online interview. To give you a context, Savannah Rose is a fifteen-year-old girl who loves soccer no one could ever imagine.
When asked about academics, she stated that she is still at the average level. She has As, Bs, and 1C on her report card, and her teacher will not give her extra credit for that subject. Savannah currently lives with her aunt, and her mother will return in less than a month. Her mother was working in a distant location, and she was also staying with her aunt due to personal issues. Savannah had her life planned. The sequence goes like this: enroll in college, graduate and obtain a degree, find work, marry and have children, and travel the world. She stated unequivocally that her husband must be a doctor and she must be a lawyer. She also stated that she wanted four children, two boys and two girls. The kids will participate in various sports, and she stated that the older boys should protect their younger sisters. She also intended to join soccer teams. She was laughing and happy as she mentioned her plans. She appeared to be wholly engrossed at this point. Her mother’s impending return and the family she will form in the future piqued her interest. It is observable that Savannah was filled with dreams.
Her love for soccer is immense. She chose soccer because other sports are strange to her, and she played it in middle school, so she is already acquainted with it. She feels that soccer is where she belongs, and she could not visualize herself playing other games. Soccer also assisted her in dealing with life’s challenges. Her mother was hurting and unable to take control of their lives in the past. She is, thankfully, doing much better now. Thus, soccer uniquely loved her, too, which she did not expect.
Savannah’s life is brightened by soccer. One of the reasons she enjoys going to school is that she sees her friends and plays soccer. Soccer is already a part of her daily routine. She changes her clothes as soon as she gets home from class to play soccer. Sometimes, after playing soccer, she grabs food with her friends. Soccer is both a sport and a pastime.
There are some feelings that soccer cannot conceal, for example, Savannah’s fears and traumas. Savannah kept telling her mother to move on, but she realized it was too harsh to ask her mother to let go of the burdens and pains she carries. Her mother was depressed and had bipolar disorder. There were times when she was enraged, but she eventually became happy. There was also a time when she was sad the entire day.
Furthermore, their family suffered as a result of her mother’s illness. ...
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