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Relationship between Knowledge and Culture

Essay Instructions:


1. Interlinking ideas

Your exhibition commentary should clearly explain the links between the objects you have chosen, and the prompt, and explicit references are made to the selected prompt.

2. Justifying ideas

Your exhibition commentary should include a strong justification for why you have objects have been chosen for the practice exhibition. This should be done within the context of the core theme or one of the optional themes.

3. Using evidence

All the points you make in your commentary should be well-supported by evidence. In other words, all of your ideas and opinions should be supported by real-life situations or the ideas of key thinkers.

4. Identifying the real-world context

The exhibition clearly identifies the clear objects and their specific real-world context. This means choosing actual objects (or images of objects), rather than generic objects.

Choose three objects first!

The three objects need clearly identifies the clear objects and their specific real-world context. This means choosing actual objects (or images of objects), rather than generic objects.

Things to bear in mind as you choose your exhibition objects:

Objects can be digital, not physical – such as a photograph of an object, or a Tweet posted by a person

Objects should have a specific real-world context, and not be generic examples of something

Objects can be something you have created, but not for the exhibition

The object should link the prompt

You should clearly reference the provenance of your objects when you create your exhibition file


You’re trying to do several things simultaneously when you write the commentary. These all ask a question about the nature of knowledge, and how we use it: make sure your commentary addresses this question.

Second, you outline the real-world context of your objects and justify why you have chosen them for your exhibition. How do your objects link to the prompt? How do they relate to your personal experiences? What makes them special, original, or particularly resonant?

Overall, you are trying to demonstrate how these prompts manifest themselves in the real world. This means showing how the ideas and concepts that we encounter during the course are relevant to the way in which we lead our lives and the society in which we exist. Also consider the three characteristics of a top-level commentary: precise, lucid, and convincing.

Please refer to the examples I gave you for the templates. You should make the template like them.

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May 7, 2022
Relationship between Knowledge and Culture
I chose this “Last Supper” artwork as the first thing since it is intimately related to Christianity. The most renowned painting of the Last Supper is that of Leonardo da Vinci, who was an Italian Cenacle at the time. It is reported that this artwork was created between 1495 and 1498 for the Dominican convent in Milan (Zelazko, n.d.).
As a youngster, I used to view these terrifying paintings at my grandmother's house; I had no idea who the figures in these paintings were until I learned about Jesus' life. And since then, I've come to regard this picture as a live recollection of the human race's past, passed down from one generation to the next. There are a lot of cultures involved in Christianity, one of which that most of us do is go to church every Sunday, which was done thousands of years ago and is still done now, proving that this form of culture has a solid foundation to last till this day and age. Having a culture implies knowing since culture is distinctive to specific ethnic groups, and only people who belong to their circle are aware of it.
My grandma is a devout lady, and their faith is so strong that they live their lives committed to God, even punishing us if we do not attend church every Sunday. There are many religions, and the names of the Gods differ from one another. They originate from various civilizations and have different ideas about conducting their lives. Every culture has a distinct way of life. As children get older, their viewpoint and awareness of their surroundings solidify, implying that they begin to comprehend the world around them.
Some ethnic communities believe that sacrificing food for the Gods by burning it would bring good luck to their crops, and this sort of action calms them and gives them a sense of security that they will have a successful harvest for the next season. Culture and knowledge are passed down from generation to generation, yet culture remains constant over time while knowledge evolves as discoveries are discovered.
It may appear amusing, but this Disney film is the first thing that comes to me when I think of films about culture. The narrative states that when a European invader wants to exploit their land for industrial purposes, the locals object since it humiliates their surroundings and taints them. The natives on the island where Pocahontas lives have kept their culture alive since their ancestors arrived; they value this tradition since nature keeps them alive, and it is vital to them.
In terms of culture and knowledge, the invaders have a unique perspective since they have their own cultures and hence knowledge; they aim to capture land and uncover new resources. They know nothing about the people in the region; they are outsiders attempting to dupe the locals. Pocahontas met a man who fell in love with her, but they couldn’t be together becaus...
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