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Children's Television Act Formulated in 1990

Essay Instructions:

Write an exploratory essay in which you narrate in first-person, chronological order the evolution through time of your thinking about an issue or problem. In other words, describe your early research process: where did you begin? What questions did you have, and how did you go about trying to answer them? Did you answer them, or did your research and thought process change over time into something else—perhaps even a new set of questions? What new, shiny things did you find in your research?

Rather than state a thesis or claim, begin with a question or problem. Then describe your inquiry process as you worked your way through sources or different views.

When you cite the sources you have considered, be sure to adequately summarize and quote so that the reader can distinguish between your own ideas and those of the sources you have summarized. Use MLA documentation for citing ideas and quotations and for creating a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. If you used more popular sources like social media accounts, Wikipedia, or general internet searches, tell us that part of the story, too; you’ll need to cite specific social media accounts or Wikipedia pages if you summarize or quote from them.


The purpose of an exploratory paper is not to state and defend a thesis. Its purpose is to think dialectically about multiple perspectives, narrating the evolution through time of the writer’s thought process. In other words, explain and inform your reader about what you’ve been reading, what you’ve been thinking. Spend a few paragraphs explaining some major problems or questions you have (that may remain unanswered at present). The essay might have an open, behind-the-scenes feel. Take your readers on the same intellectual and emotional journey you yourself have just traveled.

In addition to summarizing and synthesizing the ideas, views, and/or relevant sources you have encountered so far, write about 1) a problem you want to address in future projects in this course; 2) an area where your research might take you next; 3) or articulate three questions that you will continue to explore after this essay is completed. (Choose one of these three options.)


Write 4-6 double-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font)

Incorporate at least three sources (in describing your research process and thought process behind your exploration, you’ll need to mention and discuss at least three sources you came across in these processes). These sources can be popular, academic, or scholarly—your choice.

MLA style, formatting, and in-text citations

MLA Works Cited page

Describe and narrate the story of your research and thinking processes (rather than arguing a thesis)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Children's Television Act Formulated in 1990 
I began thinking about cartoon watching and how the act impacts small children after joining the university. This was after I found a publication on the issue. The comic types illustrated in the material included Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom, Winx Club, and Calliou. After discovering the above material, I decided to conduct more research to establish the negative impacts of children watching such cartoons. "Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom" is concerned with the story of elves and fries living together. Most of the characters in the comic use abusive language with words like stupid and crazy. Such a language significantly makes small kids insulative and ill-mannered. My research on this cartoon program revealed that adult characters like Nanny Plum refer to their animals as stupid. Such utterances influence viewers to use the insults in their day-to-day associations with people because they perceive them as usual.
Winx Club was concerned with fairies with unique abilities fighting to make the universe safe. The program sends out unnecessary messages to viewers due to the characters' clothing. The dresses and skirts won by various fairies are incredibly short, indicating their sexualized nature. Winx Club is marketable for youth between teenage and childhood years, and it contains scenes where multiple characters are showcased kissing their boyfriends. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" comprises numerous characters like the Yellow Ranger, an Asian female troubled to operate her car. The dark ranger is showcased as an African American male whose fighting sequences involve smooth dancing styles. On the other hand, the red ranger represents an American with spiritual knowledge. Generally, the program reveals much racism among various characters (Chaiyanara 05). This act instills discrimination tendencies among young viewers. Calliou Cartoon is also typical for kids. This comic entails a character defined by bad behavior. However, his parents leave him to continue with his mistakes. The program gives children flawed perceptions since they believe they should do wrong.
After coming across the above article, I decided to research more on cartoons during my second year at the university. I studied the matter during my free time to ensure I acquired adequate information. During my research, I had multiple questions that needed an answer. Among the questions was how the American government regulates television programs to ensure small children do not access cartoons that instill lousy behavior in them. Research indicated that the administration designs numerous laws that deal with kids' television watching. For example, the Children's Television Act formulated in 1990 requires the "Federal Communications Commission (FCC)" to determine standards for television broadcast licenses limiting the duration of advertisements in children's programs. After getting the answer to my question above, I decided to establish parents' perception of cartoon watching. From various studies, I noted that many parents allow their kids to watch cartoons unmonitored despite their negative impacts. Multiple reasons that motivate them to permit this behavior include the perception that cartoons help children learn by sharing, donating, cooperating, and comforting (Zhang 01).
My determination to learn about cartoon watching and young children grew with time. Hence, I decided to evaluate data to detect how the activity would determine the kind of people small kids grow into...
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