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Working Day Shift vs. Working Night Shift

Essay Instructions:

write a comparison/contrast essay. Your essay should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph, use point-by-point comparison and contrast, that follows the thesis presented and a solid conclusion. It should be double spaced and follow the formatting of the example provided in the MLA example file posted in this assignment, with standard grammar and mechanics including proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Write a compare and contrast essay about what its like working day shift and night shift. In conclusion talk about how working day shift is better than working night shifts. Talk about sleep schedules, trying to manage spending time with family/friends, trying to make appointments or do everyday things like going to the salon or grocery shopping etc. while on night shift and compare it to day shift and how it is better overall for people who work day shift.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Working Day Shifts Vs. Working Night Shifts
The world runs a 24-hour economy, and employers must deploy human resources to work day and night shifts. For instance, operations in the medical field, restaurants, and manufacturing firms run 24 hours a day and seven days a week. These industries have employees who work day shifts and night shifts. The two shifts have distinct differences ranging from the time workers report to or leave work, the amount of work performed, and the pay and allowances earned. Most day shifts begin between 7 and 9 am and end between 3 and 5 pm, while most night shifts start between 10 pm and 12 am. Some people prefer to work day shifts, while others would rather work at night. This makes it necessary to compare both shifts' conditions, advantages, and disadvantages. Day shifts allow for regular sleeping patterns as opposed to working night shifts, ensuring employees do not miss any important events taking place in the company, although working night shifts allows employees to manage their families easily and bond with them.
Working the day shift allows for regular sleeping schedules. People need rest after a busy day to relax their bodies and minds. This rest is often done through sleeping. Traditionally, people sleep at night, which has made nighttime activities less than those of daytime. It is challenging to book appointments during the night or run other errands due to the traditional believe and routine that night time should be for sleeping. This gives people who work day shifts enough time to sleep at night. After having a nighttime rest, one wakes up in the morning refreshed and relaxed to carry on the day's activities. This means that people working day shifts do not sacrifice their sleeping habits and enjoy similar habits with their family and friends.
On the contrary, people who work night shifts do not have a regular sleeping schedule. As earlier stated, most activities take place during the day. People who work night shifts sleep during the day because that is the time they have free time to relax. However, they cannot sleep enough because they have other things to do, like managing their families, running errands, and appearing at appointments. This means that they will cut short their sleep to attend to these issues, often done during the day. These people are likely not to get enough sleep, unlike those working day shifts. In cases where they decide to have enough sle...
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