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Should All Terminally Ill Have The Right For A Peaceful Death?

Essay Instructions:

topic right to die

1.My right to death with dignity at 29

By Brittany Maynard

updated 10:44 PM EST, Sun November 2, 2014


Exploratory Essay – English 1301

Purpose: Write an exploratory essay using the following process:

1. Choose a specific social issue you can explore with an open mind.

2. Consider alternative views through exploring 3-4 relevant articles that make diverse


3. Compose an essay that describes your investigative process and your insights based

on your exploration of the articles. (Note: This is not an argument essay. Instead, the

focus is on processing what you’re learning through research.)

Audience for the Assignment: Educated adults who have not read the articles you will explore

Detailed Instructions: Your essay should consist of 3-3 ½ typed, double-spaced pages (not

counting your separate Works Cited page). Include these parts:


 Catch the reader’s attention with a creative, relevant phrase.

 Avoid a too-general title (for instance, “Educational Standards” or “Gun Control”).

Introduction paragraph (no more than 10 lines)

 Begin with an attention-getting “hook.”

 Include a thesis statement that identifies the problem or issue to be explored.

Each body paragraph (3 or 4)

 In your first sentence, state the article title, the author’s full name, and the article’s main


 In the rest of the paragraph, mention 1-3 of the source’s important ideas and then explain

how each idea has influenced your thinking about the issue. Here are some ideas for

developing your body paragraphs:

- What does your reading make you realize about the issue?

- Based on your reading, what do you want to know more about to understand the


- What opinions from the article do you agree or disagree with? Use valid logic

and evidence to support your views.

 Important: Your discussion should acknowledge complicating factors. Don’t

oversimplify the issue.

 Also, don’t just do this: Mention an author’s idea and then go off the subject of that idea

to argue for your own opinion about the social issue. In other words, keep your

discussion connected to the article’s ideas.

Conclusion paragraph (no more than 12 lines)

 Avoid simply restating the research steps you took. Instead, explain your current thinking

about the problem or issue based on your research and consideration.

 If you like, you can also identify areas you’d want to research more to further your


Documentation (using MLA style) for all quoted and paraphrased information

 Summarize, paraphrase and quote correctly.

 Use “attributing tags” (for instance, “Roosevelt notes,”) when quoting, paraphrasing, or

 Include in-text citations and a Works Cited page for the song.

 Remember, click on “Research Help” in eCampus to access how to integrate and

document source information (research).

Tips and Reminders:

 I will show you in class how to find articles that are written at a reasonable level.

 Make sure you genuinely study each article instead of just picking out specific points

without context. In past semesters, some students have lost many points because they

didn’t read articles carefully and thoroughly, so they misunderstood ideas.

 Essays that contain evidence of plagiarism or collusion will earn a “0” without the

possibility of rewriting as stated in the syllabus.

 Study the sample essay for organization and depth.

 Use MLA format (specified in the syllabus). Include the heading on the first page only.

 Don’t include extra lines between your title and first paragraph or between paragraphs.

 Don’t pad your essay with “filler” to make the word count. It won’t help your grade.

 Avoid using “I” as phrases like “I think that …,” “In my opinion …,” “I believe …”.

 Put editorial title in quotation marks and newspaper title in italics.

 Capitalize all titles correctly. Use the capitalization tool I put on eCampus in the

“Writing/Study Help” section.

 Use the My Writing Lab tutors (and in-person Brookhaven tutors if you like).

 Use the free Grammarly program if you want to install it on your own computer.

 Use the detailed instructions above as a checklist.

 I will grade this essay with an adapted version of the general grading rubric. This rubric

will be available to you on eCampus before you turn in your final version.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Right for a Peaceful Death
Should all terminally ill have the right for a peaceful death?
I read an article about people who decide to die after getting known that they are terminally ill. It was always hard to me to understand why people take decision to die even if they are young. The author of the article “My right to death with dignity at 29” Brittany Maynard get to know that she has brain cancer when she was 29. She has been married for just over a year and seems like her live should just started. However she decided to die. Brittany just realized that day to day her life is going to turn on disaster and her life would not be the same anymore. After getting to know about the illness Brittany’s life has changed dramatically “Our lives devolved into hospital stays, doctor consultations and medical research.” (“My right to death with dignity at 29”).
Realizing that their life is not going to be the same anymore and the situation will only worsen within days make terminally ill people suffering emotionally. So, very often they choose to die. As Brittany Maynard after she has learned that she had a brain cancer was talking about her decision “I did not want this nightmare scenario for my family, so I started researching death with dignity”. However it was not a simple process, it demanded some changes like moving to the Oregon, the state where death with dignity is authorized.
Death - is just the way terminally ill people choose in order not to live only visiting doctor consultations and doing endless medical researches. They know that the situation is not going get better; they just do not want to suffer anymore. It is not only about physical pain that is becoming unbearable to such people but also about their emotions and feelings. As it was written in the article “The Last Thing Mom Asked” by Sarah Layall“…but no pill can take away the pain of waking up each day and remembering all over again that you are about to die”.
However, not all terminally ill people have this right “…Oregon is one of only five states where death with dignity is authorized” (“My right to death with dignity at 29”). It is very important for a terminally ill person to know that he/she just has this right for a peaceful death; and nobody could force these people to suffer and take away such right from them.
Brittany Maynard and her husband Dan Diaz gathered national attention to this problem and helped push for the passage of a right-to-die law in their home state of California “as well ...
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