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Euthanasia is Morally wrong or right. Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:

Annotated Bibliography: Whistleblowers/Moral foundations

The audience your professor; I’m familiar with the general idea of whistleblowing and resistance but perhaps not the specifics of your problem. I’m concerned with checking that your research and processes have prepared you appropriately for this upcoming major analysis. Your bibliography will need to convince me of the relevance of the sources to your topic; their credibility; and the specificity of your potential plans to integrate the source into your argument.

Genre an annotated bibliography, using correct MLA to integrate and cite

your sources, describing your sources, your intention with those sources, and

the credibility of those sources. The community of the English discipline

expects the annotated bibliography to be double-spaced and to follow MLA

formatting. Personal pronouns (I, me, my) are appropriate to use in this

essay since you’re summarizing, evaluating, and then describing your plans

for using the source in your essay.

The Assignment:

For this assignment, a preparatory assignment for your Assign 4 Whistleblowing, Resistance, and Moral Foundation Analysis, write an annotated bibliography, with 6-8 non-class assigned reading sources relevant to your proposed whistleblower/resistance topic, and following the format of the annotated bibliography attached to this assignment sheet.

Please note that the paragraph following EACH of your sources will

include the following:

1 A 2-3 sentence focused summary of your source.

(That is, include the information from the source that could be useful to your analysis, rather than

including ALL the info from the source.

2 A 2-3 sentence application of the CRAAP test to your source

(to demonstrate credibility and questions you may have)

3 A 2-3 sentence description of how you might use that source in your paper.

. Be specific in your description of your potential use of the source. You’ll use the

source to support what point? To counter what argument? To illustrate what

claim? Be fairly specific. Rather than saying “I could use this source to

support my argument,” write “I could use this source to counter the claims

about X in So-and-So’s article, which could then build my ethos as a


The MLA on this document works just like a work cited listing—it’s

alphabetized and follows MLA style throughout.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Bell, D. (2017). Manner of Death and Willingness to Nullify a Euthanasia Case.
The article is important for the case of this study as it explains several studies. The article examines different samples and reactions regarding euthanasia and the ratings in the methods of euthanasia. The methods include the head smash, bag smothers and some injections that are lethal. Several euthanasia circumstances affect the propensity of the judges in focusing the interpretation and personal sympathies.
Clark, N. (2014). The Politics of Physicians Assisted Suicide. Routledge.
Through cases like death, several important decisions like autonomy of a patient and the development of health care arises. The article explains the ways that modern technology in medical cases has helped in increasing the life of an individual and delays him or her to die. Although the improvement in technology have not played part is assuring an individual on the life quality. When the patients do not get a good care of the basic needs, the individuals are likely to either forfeit the dignity through dependence of different mechanisms or even defend individuals.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?.AMA Journal of Ethics, Vol. 20, No. 8. Pp. 690-698.
The article is vital as it explains some of the ways that the physicians can take care of the dying patients. The article presents some of the ways of providing comforting decisions and a framework those physicians and clinicians can apply in the cases that are a bit difficult to handle for example the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The article is important as it also explains some of the ways that individuals can explore motivation.
Decesare, M. (2015). Death on Demand: Jack Kevorkian and the Right-To-Die Movement. Rowman&Littlefield.
The author presents Dr. Death’s (Jack Kevorkian) polarizing roles. Jack Kevorkian played part in the assisted suicide of Janet Adkins. The article explains some of the assisted suicides that Jack Kevorkian helped and the role that Dr. Death played in the right to die movements. Jack Kevorkian the pathologist known as Dr Death, who claimed to have helped 130 people commit suicide when terminally ill, died on Friday in Detroit. Kevorkian's rise to fame, or infamy, in the 1990s led to a national debate in the United States on assisted suicide. He built a suicide machine, known as the Mercitron or Thanatron, which he operated out of a Volkswagen van to inject a lethal drug dose for people who sought his help in dying. This is a helpful work for anyone who wants to do their research on Euthanasia by Dr. Jack Keorkian.
Grant, E. (2017). Legal and Legislative Issues in Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted ...
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