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Creative Writing Right to Decide: Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Essay Instructions:

whistleblowers, Resistance, and Moral Foundation

the audience: a group of people that works or belong to the same community or organization as the

resistor, but who remain uncertain about the ethics of the resistor's actions. ( what the

audience feel). Ethically address the audience's concerns in a way that leads them towards

adoptions your enthymeme. Your enthymeme may support or criticize the resistors actions

it's up to you and your paper/research to set up your effectively.

Must include substantial reference to the four moral foundation fairness/cheating, care/harm, may talk the little bit of each but more should be for focusing on care/ harm. (moral foundation, which is going to be more effective).

sources may be use same as being used in essay Dr. Jack Kevorkian Euthanasia. Your goal is to explain Rogerian tone, why the resistor( Dr. Jack Kevoekian may have decided to act and if those actions were "right" actions to take.

there is a sample essay I did attach as a file

let me know if you need more direction. Thank you

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Let the patients decide!
The ethical dilemma as regards to assisted suicide is indeed unequivocal as far as the debates behind Dr. Kevorkian’s motive in his outspoken and vivid practice of helping patients kill themselves. The big question that still lingers in many is whether Dr. Kevorkian and many other physicians who actively helped patients to kill themselves were in rivals to moral medical practice or friends of the same (White, 2009). Dr. Kevorkian will go down in the world history of medical practice as a champion of euthanasia whose legacy not only affected the ethical consideration in medicine but also sparked legal discussions concerning euthanasia toa in America and around the world. As such, based on the moral foundation theory as it relates to medical practice, this paper seeks to establish whether Dr. Kevorkian was driven by both care and fairness as he felt essential to choose when and how his patients would die.
Debate on the right to die is a highly controversial social issue. Particularly, patient-assisted suicide (PAS) is a social issue that has been avoided by medical practitioners for time. By 1990, most countries had not encountered such issues concerning patients killing themselves and, therefore, did not have legal matters to handle such cases or prohibit patients from PASCITATION Mar141 \p 1560 \l 1033 (Day, Fiske and Downing 1560). Dr. Jack Kevorkian commonly referred to as the doctor of death was the first person to publicly address PAS. He brought out the issue through a series of assisted deaths that greatly impacted on the right to die debate. Therefore, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was portrayed as morally culpable, incompetent and was viewed negatively by the larger community. The outcomes of Kevorkian actions have brought a new public policy that hinders terminally and ill individuals from having desirable choices like PAS and voluntary euthanasia.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian also referred to as a specialist for “death counseling” and the person who introduced the suicide machine received his first patient, Janet Adkins, a 54-year-old who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Janet sought Kevorkian’s advice to help her commit suicide, a choice she made after her health condition deteriorated. Kevorkian instructed Adkins to activate the homemade tool he had constructed and the machine would administer a lethal drug that would end her from suffering. Her life ended upon using the machine she was instructed by Kevorkian to use. Following Jane Adkin’s death, the society and the medical community, national public and state criticized Dr. Kevorkian negatively and eliciting negative comments on PAS. Kevorkian’s actions were considered uncompassionate and unfavorable. Kevorkian was then charged with second murder degree after terminating the life of Adkins in 1990. The Michigan Board of Medicine voted unanimously to indefinitely suspend Kevorkian’s medical license after assisting two other women to commit suicideCITATION Hen121 \p 206 \l 1033 (Hosseini 206). This was his second time to be accused of assisted murder. However, legal measures could not be taken against him because the law had not prohibited PAS.
The failure of legal actions to be taken against him enabled him to continue with his mission and before the end of 1992, Kevorkian had assisted more than 15 deaths. By 1996, he had been blamed to have assisted at least 46 people to kill themselves. The doctor was accused to have assisted at least over 130 suicides. He was later dismissed after being accused of murder and assisted suicide. However, Kevorkian continued with his mission to assist terminally ill patients to end their lives. The CBS broadcasting showed his video injecting a patient with a lethal substance. He was later indicted with second-degree killing. Within a span of ten years, Dr. Kevorkian is believed to have assisted over 100 deaths. Kevorkian introduced the right to die debate and forced the government in believing in the right to self-suicide on the political agenda. However, the idea of PAS has attracted a lot of debate and unnecessary criticism because of two interrelated issues (Vaughn, 2015). The first issue is the Kevorkian’s controversial and public crusade in the effort to legalize PAS. The second, as suggested by this study is the role played the media in covering the story of Dr. Kevorkian leading to him being branded demonic and “folk devil.” (Schneider, 2011) The media portrayed him as an incompetent and morally culpable who deserved a place in jail.
Dr. Kevorkian failed to say when he would stop assisting his patients from committing self-suicide. He nodded in agreement to his lawyer, Geoffrey Fieger saying that human beings will continue to suffer unless God intervenes the situation and end all fatal illnessesCITATION Cor17 \p 4 \l 1033 (Hall 4). He also added that it is the concern of each doctor to his patient to help the terminally ill patients die. Later on, Kevorkian resolved not to help more patients attempt self-suicide until the matter was legalized. The issue was highly criticized by the public and Kevorkian felt that it was quite unfair to continue with the practice. However, later on, jurors watched a five-day trial videotape in a highly emotional moment of Mr. Hide who struggled to make people know his wishes. He told Dr. Kevorkian that he wanted to end his life. Accord...
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