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Obstacles I have overcome

Essay Instructions:

Please see attached paper and write it in a more creative manner. More exciting and powerful. It can be on the comical side. It is about obstacles that I have overcome in my life. Small as they are. I want it emotional and cute and funny.


Obstacles I have Overcome

Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen a song that comes to mind as I trek my way on in life. This is a difficult task since I am about to turn 15 years old. Who would think that at 15 I would have faced obstacles in my short existence her on earth. Every bump in the road I have faced has made me into the type of person I am and will become. The curves you are faced with in life I believe is what shapes and mold us in to who we are and who we are to become. Every person is faced with things that shape their character more than once in their lifetime. Here is my short story of what has made me who I am as of today.

                My obstacles started long before I even was created. I was just a twinkle of an idea. My parents had a difficult time conceiving and had to go through many procedures to get pregnant. But they finally did. However the twist here was I was a twin. However I was not identical. The next obstacle I faced was my brother and I did not share living in the belly of my mother very well. We were constantly fighting for more room. The drama all started at my arrival. We were born at 26 weeks. This was a surprise not only to my parents but also to me. It was my brother who was rushing his entrance into the world. I was clearly not ready. After my brother pushed his was out my parents fearing for our lives suggested they let me stay inside my mother. Just as my mom finished this statement the doctor yelled, “we got get him out”. My heart stopped beating. In panic the doctored wanted my mom to push me out.  As the frantic start of my life was about to begin, I was hit with another curve. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck not one time but two. I’ve heard the stories that as my parents looked towards the table across the room looking at my silenced and limb body, and fearing the paddles were needed if I had any chance of living.  A team of medical professionals huddled over me, I got them good. I tinkled all over them as they were getting ready to yell “clear”.  I was born 13 inches and 3.1 pounds. I faced many other bumps in the road like staying in the NICU for 7 weeks and my older brother, only by 6 minutes, was released at 6 weeks. Knowing when I came home I would have to fight for my position in the family.

                My arrival home was not as bittersweet as you may have thought. I had a twisted bowel, double hernia and not gaining weight. I came home just under 5 lbs. I needed to gain weight in order to have surgery to correct these problems. It took time but I managed to make this happen. Being born a preemie you have many issues you need to overcome and be able to catch up to your peers. As I hit the maker for weight gained and had the surgery, I again faced more steps to overcome. I was delayed in my development so therapy was seven days a week. But I was also faced with a conditioned called Legg Perth, a hip conditioned that many thought another surgery was in my future. I also had much fluid on my brain and a large head. Many specialists said I would be slow and not a normal child. It was told to my parents that academics and sports would never be a strong point for me. My parents and I did not take this lightly. We all strived and worked hard at making sure, as my mother puts it, “He is gonna grow up to be the best Timmy that he can be”.  I managed to beat the odds tutoring, physical therapy and being enrolled in every activity, helping the mobility of my hip and leg to dodge future surgery. And we did. The fluid on the brain eventually stopped on its own and we were dubbed as the big head family. There were many smaller medical issues I faced, Hiatal Hernia, sleep walking and a thumb that is jointed incorrectly, I pushed through and will push though for the rest of my life. I had tutors to help with the academics and eventually was released from Basic Skills. I have continued playing sports like football, wrestling and lacrosse and love them all.

                The next bump I hit was that I was told I had dyslexia. As minor as it maybe it is an issue I will face forever. There is no pill or quick fix. All it is I just learn differently. I’m not dumb or slow, in fact I think I pretty smart. I just have a hard time focusing on words and getting the thoughts from my head to the paper. I feel my biggest obstacle I face in my life is being vertically challenged. When you are born 13 inches there is not much chance of you being 6 foot tall. I am just hoping that I possibly can get to 5 foot 10 inches. Again my mother is always saying “if being short is the worst thing in your life you are pretty well blessed”.

                What I believe that somehow we are given challenges in our life to build our character and help mold and shape who we are and who we are to become. There is a saying that God only gives us problems we can handle. I do believe this is true. What I have learned in my short life span is working hard having a goal and wonderful support system you can overcome and get through anything. Our family motto is” Plan your work and work your Plan”. Oh how true this is in everything that you do. I am sure that there will be many more things thrown at me that I will face and have to overcome. Stay strong, be focused and push on will be what helps me and is great advice for all.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Obstacles I have overcome
As I turn 15, nobody can guess the obstacles that I have gone through in my short lived existence. As a trek the road, all that comes to my mind are the surprising obstacles I have had to endure, but here I am ready to tell it all. In this torturous and adventurous road are the many bumps and challenges that have shaped who I am and hope to be in future. In any case, it is the curves on the road that mold one into what they become. You can be sure that the highlights of the short journey have been the obstacles I have faced that make who I am. I am a victor, and so are many people, but winning is not the essence of success, but rather success is overcoming obstacles you find on your, and here goes my story.
As if to start on a wrong footing, my journey stated before I was born, well I was a twinkle of an idea. My parents underwent many failed trials before I was conceived, well this marked my short adventurous into the world. However, believe you me I am not a quitter because we were two fraternal twins fighting out in my mother’s womb like this was the only thing we cared about. My brother had the first laugh as he arrived before me well I guess my motto would have been slow but sure. So my mother informed me, “you were one smart fighter, but the doctor’s word was final.” So at 26 weeks we were all born. Weighing 3.1 pounds at 13.1 inches tall, the bumpy road seemed longer than expected ,and I had to stay in NICU for 7 weeks, whilst my brother only stayed for 6 weeks.
My arrival at home was not smooth sailing, as I had a twisted bowel, double hernia and weighed only 5 lbs. Whoever said that difficulties do not come in small doses had me on his mind, because I also required surgery to correct the anomalies. That is only a small portion of what I went through, delayed development meant that I had to undergo therapy seven days weekly, and then came another devastating diagnosis that I had Legg Perth which is a hip condition that would require surgery, and before you even think how I survived I also to have fluid in my head causing th...
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