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Creative Writing
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Generations X

Essay Instructions:

English 1021.14  Essay #3  "Revision of Essay 1 Writing Sample"
Value: 13 points possible
-3 points peer review activity
-10 points final copy
Note: I suggest you write an outline to help develop and organize your essay, but you will not be
required to submit one to me or have one peer reviewed.
Due Dates:
April 14: Peer Review copy of completed essay for peer review session in class.
*Bring in two typed copies of 100% completed Essay #3 for peer review.
*Three points possible depending on the quality of the essay (including format).
*No late drafts accepted.
*To receive credit, the student must submit two copies at the beginning of class and
participate in a peer review in class. If only one copy is submitted, half value lost.
April 16: Final draft due by 4:00 p.m.
*Late papers accepted for final copy due on April 16: 15% deducted per day late.
Where to submit final draft: 3 options only (no email or postal)
1. In class
2. Slide copy under Instructor Pyle's office door (room 3382)
3. Have staff in the main English office (room3350) place essays in Instructor
Pyle's mailbox.
Do not place in file outside of Instructor Pyle's office or pin to the door.
Assignment: Revise Essay #1 "Writing Sample," applying all the concepts we have studied about writing
an essay. It is not a research paper.
*The topic of Essay #1 was to
a. Research to find out which generation those of your age are defined as
representing (for example, Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millennial, "Z," etc.)
b. Select three characteristics assigned to your generation and write an essay on how
you (personally) do or don't have those characteristics.
Questions you may have:
*What if I did not save a copy? The assignment sheet for Essay #1 stated that you
were to be sure to keep a copy because you would be required to revise it later in the
semester. If you do not have a copy, you will have to rewrite your essay completely or
have me make a copy of the copy I have.
*What if my Essay #1 needs radical revision? That's fine. Some of your essays need
extensive revision.
*Can I change the characteristics I select to discuss from my original essay? Yes.
Essay Form:
*This is an essay, not a research paper. There is no cover page.
*Refer to pages 714-15 and page 746 for format guidelines.
*The essay will have a heading (but you do not have to have a "header"), title, introduction
paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Heading: Has four elements in the correct order
Title: Hints at the topic and gets the reader's interest
Introduction paragraph:
-Begins with a lead-in technique to introduce the topic and get the reader's
-Narrows the topic by having transitional to the thesis sentence.
-Ends with thesis sentence
Body Paragraphs:
-Begin with topic sentences
-Topic sentences include repetition of key terms and transitions
-After the topic sentences, the evidence/development given to explain the topic
of the paragraph.
Conclusion Paragraph: Meaningful closure
*You will be researching credible outside sources to identify character traits for your generation.
If you quote, paraphrase or summarize any source material in your essay (refer to Chapter
44), you must use the Modern Language Association (MLA) guide system for in-text citations,
and Works Cited page.
*You are not required to have direct quotations paraphrases or summaries in the essay.
*Wikipedia is not a credible source. See page 589 "Note" for explanation information why this
site is not a credible source.
Length: 500 words or more
Audience: General
Purpose: Inform
*Writing Process steps
*Essay Parts (title, introduction, body, and conclusion)
*Peer Review
*Coherence techniques, including organization
*Critical thinking
*Elimination of common errors
*Locating, critically reading, and using outside source materials
*Using the Century College's library
*Writing a documented essay
*Using MLA stylesheet
Grading of the final draft due April 16:
-Grammar and mechanics will be evaluated from a sample 500 words in the essay.
-Entire essay is evaluated on format, content, critical thinking, organization, etc. Please refer to
the grading rubric example on D2L.

*The topic of Essay #1 was to a. Research to find out which generation those of your age are defined as representing ( Generation X) b. Select three characteristics assigned to your generation and write an essay on how you (personally) do or don't have those characteristics. Essay Form: *Can I change the characteristics I select to discuss from my original essay? Yes. *This is an essay, not a research paper. There is no cover page. *The essay will have a heading (but you do not have to have a "header"), title, introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Heading: Has four elements in the correct order Title: Hints at the topic and gets the reader's interest Introduction paragraph: -Begins with a lead-in technique to introduce the topic and get the reader's interest. -Narrows the topic by having transitional to the thesis sentence. -Ends with thesis sentence Body Paragraphs: -Begin with topic sentences -Topic sentences include repetition of key terms and transitions -After the topic sentences, the evidence/development given to explain the topic of the paragraph. Conclusion Paragraph: Meaningful closure *You will be researching credible outside sources to identify character traits for your generation. If you quote, paraphrase or summarize any source material in your essay (refer to Chapter 44), you must use the Modern Language Association (MLA) guide system for in-text citations, and Works Cited page. *You are not required to have direct quotations paraphrases or summaries in the essay. *Wikipedia is not a credible source. See page 589 "Note" for explanation information why this site is not a credible source. Length: 1000 words or more Audience: General Purpose: Inform Goals: *Format *Writing Process steps *Essay Parts (title, introduction, body, and conclusion) *Peer Review *Coherence techniques, including organization *Critical thinking *Elimination of common errors *Locating, critically reading, and using outside source materials *Writing a documented essay *Using MLA stylesheet Grading of the final draft due April 16: -Grammar and mechanics will be evaluated from a sample 500 words in the essay. -Entire essay is evaluated on format, content, critical thinking, organization, etc. This type of essay exhibits success in crafting a well written essay. The writer cares about communicating with the reader effectively. There is a sense of the writer’s voice and stylistics. *Very good essay techniques: (title, introduction, body, and conclusion). -Title hints at topic and gets reader’s attention -Intro paragraph uses effective lead-in technique, transition to thesis and thesis -Clear thesis -Conclusion paragraph uses thoughtful closure technique. *Body paragraphs support the thesis *Body paragraphs have topic sentences *Thesis development in body paragraphs very good to excellent. Reader has no unanswered questions. *No unity problems. *No redundancy. *Critical thinking is very good. Writing shows depth of thought. *Very good coherence: logical organization of paragraphs, logical presentation of information within paragraphs, repetition of key terms, use of synonyms, pronoun substitution, and transitions within paragraphs and in topic sentences. Essay is fluid. Reader does not have to reread sections for comprehension. *Information is accurate, exhibiting general knowledge of topic. *Very good sentence combining and variety (simple, compound and complex). “B” Uses some sophisticated sentence reduction techniques such as appositives, participial phrases, gerunds, and absolute phrases effectively. “A” Has very effective sentence reduction techniques. *No repeated patterns. *No wordiness *Specific Language “A” diction is precise *Word choice appropriate for the audience. *No fragments and/or three run-ons or comma splices *Sentence-level errors (including usage, format, point of view) “B” no more than 8. “A” no more than 7. errors. *Writer has credibility. "Other": Some can be format errors Of the seven errors, there is not more than one format error or any homonym errors. *Writer has credibility.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Generation X
The generation of my age is defined as representing or Generation X, or Gen X in short. This generation basically comprises those people who were born approximately between the year 1963 to the year 1980. It is notable that Generation Xers are usually labeled as the slacker generation, and those belonging to this generation are regarded as both unfocused and uncommitted. It is of note that Generation Xers grew in a period of institutional and political incompetence, as well as emerging technology. This generation is essentially marked by Clinton-Lewinsky, Iran-Contra, Bhopal, Three Mile Island, the Iranian hostage crisis, and the Watergate debacles (Krahn&Galambos 93).
Three characteristics assigned to my generation are as follows: (1) Individualistic/independent; (2) Flexible; and (3) Value work/life balance. Individualistic/Independent: I personally have this characteristic. Krahn and Galambos (110) noted that this generation is typified by a period of 2-income families, weakening economy, and increasing rates of divorces. Ladies were increasingly joining the labor force in higher rates, and this spawned an age of latch-key children. Thus, Gen Xers are self-sufficient, resourceful and independent. This is a characteristic of me since I am always an independent individual who rarely relies on others in my everyday activities and my requirements. I have always strived to become self-sufficient, and this has so far enabled me to be both self-reliant and self-financing. For most of my financial needs, I never depend on others for assistance since I am self-sufficient. In the place of work, I value responsibility and freedom. I often exhibit casual disdain for authority as well as structured work hours. I usually distaste being micro-managed and I generally embrace a hands-off management viewpoint. I learned to be independent very early in life and I turned it into an essential hallmark as I progressed in the working world. To me, I hold the belief that the most radical thing that one can do is be is him/ herself, however dissimilar that self might happen to be. People have told me a number of times that I exhibit great individuality and independence in my actions, opinions, and also behavior.
Flexible: a lot of Generation Xers lived through difficult financial periods in the ‘80s and witnessed their workaholic parents lose their hard-earned positions. As such, Gen Xers are less committed to a single e...
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