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Robert Martin: Arrested

Essay Instructions:

Providing a rhetorical analysis of the current event. Research the event and analyze specific arguments that represent different positions in response to the event. One of these texts must be a visual argument (photograph, political cartoon,illustration , advertisement, video, etc.) Purpose is NOT TO TAKE A POSITION on the issue but to inform readers about the controversy by analyzing differing positions that need to be considered in any attempt to find common ground or mediate a solution. TOPIC TO USE: Robert Martin: arrested in Frisco, Texas for holding up a speed trap sign. Sources should include background information and each position on the issue Please ask if there are any questions as this paper has a very specific direction. The point of the paper is to analyze the sources and describe how they use the different types of appeals, appeal to the audience, and how they would persuade the reader to take their point of view. Once again, while the new version has corrected the format, there is very minimal reference to the types of appeals. I provided sample drafts, as well as a rhetorical analysis sheet that gives great detail as to what each source should provide and what should be discussed in the paper. The background on the actually story is good, and the conclusion is as well. But the analysis of the sources is not what needs to be covered. I am running out of time for this paper to be completed. Please make sure to look at the documents i provided as references and use them. Each source should answer some of the questions on the rhetorical analysis sheet.


Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet

The purpose of a rhetorical case study analysis is to help explain a complex issue by analyzing arguments about the issue.  Thus, a rhetorical analysis requires that you explain the rhetorical situation (what is the issue, who are the stakeholders, what’s at stake) and provide a detailed explanation of how people are making arguments about the issue by looking closely at representative texts. Your discussion of the issue and the rhetorical situation will grow out of your generalizing about all of the texts you’ve analyzed (and perhaps additional research). Your actual discussion of the texts should be based on the following questions.

What is the rhetorical situation?

Who is the author? What do you know about the author’s credibility, authority,

What is the author’s position on the issue?

Who is the audience? Consider publication outlet and clues in the text

What kind of text is it? What are the conventions? Where did it appear?

Is it an argument of fact, of definition, of quality, of cause, of proposed action?

How does the author represent the opposition?

Describe how the author appeals to character. Give an example.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Robert Martin Arrested
Course title:

Ron Martin Knapp was arrested in Frisco, Texas for holding up a speed trap sign to alert motorists on police presence. Martin who is aged 33 was arrested by Texas police a long a Frisco highway for holding a sign which read, “Police Ahead”. He was later charged for holding a homemade placard, against a Texas by-law, which states that, “holding any sign must only be on a private property”. This paper presents a rhetorical analysis of his arrest by different authors.
 HYPERLINK "/authors?author=Joe%20Kemp" Kemp, Joe, Texas man busted warning drivers of speed trap, fights charges, Available from
 HYPERLINK "/news/national/texas-man-busted-warning-drivers-speed-trap-fights-charges-article-1.1582986" /news/national/texas-man-busted-warning-drivers-speed-trap-fights-charges-article-1.1582986, January 17, 2014,
A Texas man who was arrested for holding up a sign for alerting other drivers against a speed trap protested against the charges. He argued that he was only reminding drivers against the speed limit. The author of this story is making it interesting by presenting the ironical and most interesting part of it to the reader. One irony is that the Texas man decides to park his car around a high way, and holds a sign to alert drivers against a speed limit is wanting. Readers are made to wonder what motivated this man for this action, and the author seem to present a solution to this by presenting the man’s view on his actions. However, the driver’s response leads to more irony when he articulates that his action was only to remind the drivers against a speed limit. This leads to suspense in the minds of readers, as they would want to know why the driver had to remind others against police presence, and who gave him this responsibility. This suspense would certainly make readers to read the rest of the story in order to know what actually transpired. The author of this story is a journalist attached to New York daily, a print media outlet that serves news for New York residents. According to this author, the action of this man was a protest against the corps for their frequent arrest of motorists for over speeding.
Smith, Shepard, Texas man fights citation after warning drivers of nearby speed trap,
Fox news NETWORK, 2014, Available from /us/2014/01/17/texas-man-faces-charges-after-warning-drivers-speed-trap/
In this article, the author is presenting a story about the Texas man, who was arrested for holding up a sign alerting motorists on the nearby police trap trying to clear his name from this action. The author writes that Martin was not in opposition to speed traps, but was concerned on the safety of not only the citizens, but also the safety of the police officers who were at work. Martin also argues that over speeding vehicles also posted a danger to police officers who were at work. He was therefore, “obligated” to protect the officers from the “imminent danger “they were exposed to. This part becomes more interesting to the reader who will ultimately become interested on how anyone one earth would want to “protect” or “safeguard” police officers without being paid. The author is an editor with Foxnews.com, an online media serving U.S audience. The author’s goal in this article was particularly to present Ron Martin’s position with regard to his actions. He as well gives the background of Martin’s arrest to give the audience a flash back or knowledge concerning this arrest. He also presents a revelation that this action by Martin was not the first one. In fact, a police officer had affirmed that he has seen him more than two times in a month holding the same sign. This makes the story more interesting as the readers come to know that Martin’s actions were actually a repetitive one. In other words, he had done it before his arrest. Readers would be interested to know on what could actually motivate such a man to do this action.
WHITELY, JASON, Frisco man faces trial for warning drivers of nearby speed trap, January 16, 2014 at 8:29 AM
Whitely in this report, focuses on the perspective of Martin’s defense which can be viewed as being ironical”. For instance, he presents Martin’s defense of his actions on his first amendment right to warn motorists of a speed trap. Other “comical” incidences presented in this story were on Martin pulling out his mobile phone to record the arrest when approached by police officers. Readers are left to wonder why on earth, and for what purpose a man would want to record an arrest. Martin also causes more humor when he says that he was trying to act like a speed limit sign, and to remind motorists of the speed limit. He is therefore, acting as a speed sign on a busy road. These “ploys” or “developments” could make this story an interesting piece to read.
The editor of this story, Whitely, Jason is an accredited journalist attached with Texas News. Texas news is a bi-weekly newspaper that serves Texas audience on news, and other events. However, the author did not believe that Martin’s arguments on his right to first amendment, his interest of keeping the community members, and officers safe and that Frisco’s ordinance was not applicable to him since he wasn’t a business man, could sufficiently convince the judges to acquit him. According to him, these defenses were weak to be accepted by the court.
 HYPERLINK "http://friscoblog.dallasnews.com/aut...
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