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How Sharing On The Social Media Influence Our Privacy

Essay Instructions:

conversation essay. the essay should have your main claim and use evidence from the texts to support your claim.

The content MUST mention about “how social media influences our identities”

evidence need to use the movie “The Circle”,Papacharissi, “A Networked Self: Identity Performance and Sociability on Social Network Sites” and two scholar essay

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor Course Due Date HOW SHARING ON THE SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE OUR PRIVACY Introduction Social media platforms have gained a lot of importance in the lives of people. These platforms have been used as places where people can showcase their living experiences. Social networks have gained more importance in today’s world, and they have a profound impact on society. Social media has helped people to express their identity, explore, and experiment and this is natural for any human experience. Communication with people online has enabled people to connect with others but in many cases people do it use their real identities, and they can open as many accounts as they want to because there is no restriction, but users should be aware that other people can view their information. Technological developments has facilitated transfer of data and information sharing. Despite this, social media has influenced the personal identity of its users negatively. For example users are forced to lie and fake their lives so that they will be equal with other peers. However, this does not hinder the positivity of social media in the lives of human beings because social media plays a very important role. Application of new technologies has offered an environment of freedom and ease of content customization (Saker, 935). As a result, people have been allowed to transmit information quickly to other communities. People can also access the news that they need without any delay as used to be experienced on the traditional communication systems. For example, nowadays there are portable TV derives and online surfing on a fixed TV at homes. Social media has presented a practical framework whereby people within a society, that is social media has influenced the community at a very high degree (Gabriel, 110). Social media has enabled people to share opinions thoughts and their emotions without having to practice any form of restraint with the content that the users have created. Additionally, there are social communities which have enabled users to their online with their acquaintances and also share and interact with them. These platforms have allowed people to create their profiles, and upload their pictures using their photographs (Papacharissi, 212). They are also able to follow up events with their friends and also follow their pattern. The rapid development of technology and the use of social media has brought the world closer through the interaction of different cultures. The movie the Circle plays an extended role in how technology mainly social media can promote surveillance in corporate companies. In the movie, “the Circle” the global network of cameras is designed to promote full accountability. In the film, Mae is coerced to take part in the experiment which aims at glorifying some tiny cameras the company has invented. Mae is forced to ear the camera and plant than on the apartment and other locations so that they will be able to embrace the idea of transparency and integration (James, n.d). Mae later discovers that the surveillance cameras were used to survey and prevent the abduction of children. The movie states that as people come into contact with social media, their social reality will tend to shift. The movie also illustrates some of the pros and cons of having camouflages cameras. Sometimes people might seem reluctant in exposing themselves to the online one. So...
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