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Statement of Purpose: E-wastes

Essay Instructions:

This is the Statement of Purpose of my application. I need use this to apply for graduate school and the major i want to apply is The Global Sustainability M.A. program. The school is University of South Florida.

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Student’s Name: Professor: Institution: Date of Submission: Statement of Purpose E-wastes have become a challenge in the present time. They are some electronic devices including mobile phones, computers, scanners etc. that might contain toxic substances that may cause harm to the environment. A lot of people believe that waste produced electronically are materials that are used in the packaging of electronic devices and goods. However, it is important to take note that the E-waste does not only consist of the devices that may not be needed after some few years but also their packaging. E-wastes have metallic substances that have a very negative impact on the environment especially water. When those compounds get into water in the rivers, they may affect humans and animals as they consume it. A permanent solution needs to be found in order to eradicate these effects. This problem resonates well with me and its my hope that someday I will get to work on finding the solution. It is for this reason that I am applying for the program in Global sustainability at the University of South Florida. My interest in the environment goes back to when I was a child. Growing up in the country side, the serenity cool climate and fresh water sources is what made the environment quite conducive. That alone influenced my values of the environment. Waste produce were recycled unlike what is going on in the cities at the moment. People lack space to store the less used devices or the damaged ones and thus causing ...
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