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Writing Sample Global Sustainability M.A. Program

Essay Instructions:

My Essay/Writing Sample

I need use this to apply for graduate school and the major i wanna apply is The Global Sustainability M.A. program.

!!You may submit an essay relating to your activities, work experiences and any honors or awards you have received.!!

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My Essay
I have had an interest in studying Global Sustainability for many years. My interest to pursue this course originates from factors that affect me directly for one, I love how humans and nature interact. My father is a scientist who has always studied how humans interact with the environment to obtain the natural resources and I was always excited to travel with him on such adventures. It is my belief that through the study of Global Sustainability, I can productively be content with my inquisitiveness in these fields. Another factor that has greatly influenced my interest is the global challenges facing the whole world at the moment which is climate change.
Through this course, I will not only have the chance to serve my country but also, the whole world. Through the different encounters I had when I traveled with my father, I realized that there are many complex issues that face the way human and nature interact. Humans have polluted the environment which is also harming the different species we happen to share it with. Not only from a regional or national level but globally. With such life experiences and detailed academic indoctrination, I will be able to pursue a successful career as a climate change analyst.
At school, especially in our final year, we were given the freedom to choose from an extensive selection of classes. With this freedom, I have made a choice on classes which have an importance to me despite the appearance of my transcri...
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