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How do you tell something is true.

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How you tell something is true
Human knowledge, values and convictions are relative. Nothing in this world can be categorized as the "ultimate truth". Under the current laws of the universe, the "ultimate truth" does not exist (Frankfurt 12). There is a need to deal with what the universe offers in this life in light of latest scientific evidence and discoveries' pertaining to what a person thinks is true or false. Thinkers have continued to develop powerful and systematic approaches to the problem of truth (Campbell, 17). This paper determines the methods used in determining whether something is true.
The knowledge of what is true or false comes to a person via the limited tools they posses: the intellect and mind, experiments conducted, the senses and through unplanned individual discoveries (Frankfurt 32). Inasmuch as these tools are aided by systematic methods or scientific experiments in the relevant fields, the results are subject to the laws of physics, biology and chemistry among others. These laws are imprinted and sketched in the DNA of everything that exists.
What people perceive to be solid facts is determined by the aforementioned limited tools (Campbell, 22). Nonetheless, the world of matter is continuous in formation and reformation, and the seemingly solid facts usually change accordingly. However, the principles are noted to be repeatedly consistent, and matter's behavior is then termed to be constant.
In the spiritual world, the truth is still uncertain. There is not reason to claim that man has established solid facts regarding spirituality, rather than the belief that such spiritual powers exist. Nonetheless, all human knowledge pertaining to this world emanates from general speculation, imagination, individual experiences of sheer act of blind faith. In this instance, faith is not a tool we can use to discern the truth. Faith cannot be used to verify a fact or determine the truthfulness of something (Campbell, 211).
One cannot describe something to be true unless there is a reference to some relevant facts to determine the factuality (Frankfurt 33). The concepts of true and false are contingent with imaginary and factual. Without this relationship, it follows that every aspect of life would be illusive or misleading. In order to say that "Y" is definitely false or definitely true, one needs to use the same tools utilized in determining the factuality of "Y". In addition, one also uses the mental archive as a reference frame. All these tools used have been shown to be relative. As such, the falsehood or truth resulting from using these tools is relative too.
The scientific method utilizes various techniques in acquiring knowledge in determining a belief, or something to be true (Campbell, 231). Scientific knowledge regarded as being true is always provisional, ...
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