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Grandma's Biscuits

Essay Instructions:

Write a 2-3 page food narrative essay that shares a food memory/ritual/tradition/experience/lifestyle in your life and how that food/meal is a connection to something about your culture, value, or identity. (MLA style which means double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 11-12 point font)


I want to emphasize that that is NOT a narrative of a loved one, but the focus should be on the food/meal/preparation and how that is a connection to your identity-- it can be the ritual of meal-prepping with a friend if you are into a serious workout lifestyle; it can be a place your dad took you to on Saturday nights to get pizza after your parents divorced and that pizza connects you to your new relationship with him at that time, or it can be an important ritual that you participate in for Sabbath. The important point is how the food is a symbol or a memory of something important to you or a learning moment for you. I hope this helps.

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Grandma's Biscuits
Every family has that one member with irresistible cooking skills that make a person go for the second or third round even when they are full. My grandmother was one of the best American cooks ever because it was an event in the family each time she cooked. Everybody raced and pushed against one another to be the first person at the dinner table, especially when she made her favorite homemade rolled biscuits. The mouthwatering aroma from the biscuits filled our nostrils during preparation, and the taste warmed our bodies, just like taking a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning. Though ingredients used played a vital role in the result of the snack, they were not the primary reasons. My grandmother's time, love, and dedication made the biscuits exceptional.
We always anticipated visiting my grandmother in her house in West Virginia, especially during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Her home always had the scent of sweet perfume and divine food. We had a habit of playing games and having sleepovers whenever we visited her place. My favorite part was the food she made for us. Many holidays give me flashbacks of the kind of food she prepared, more so during Christmas. Grandma would prepare her signature rolled biscuits and always had two batches. There were no leftovers since my family would consume all the biscuits. Dedication means pursuing something adequately and following it through to ...
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