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Reflection Paper on Making a Speech

Essay Instructions:

Just made up a story.

Note: this is our first time making a speech, so it didn't go smoothly or perfectly.

Preparation: Describe your preparation process before the recorded performance – discuss what you had anticipated and how you prepared for that, how much time you spent developing the speech, how many times you practiced, etc. What led you to make the preparation choices you made? How did you feel going into the speech? Discuss.

Performance: Basically, after watching the recording, how do you think you did? Relate this critique of your performance back to your preparation. In what ways did your preparation strategy work, and what were the specific results? Where did you excel (give at least three examples)? Where did you struggle (give at least one example)? How did this relate to the anticipations of your strengths and weaknesses?

Reflection: How did you feel watching yourself perform? Were you surprised at what you noticed? Do you think this information was useful? How, specifically, will you use this information to perform even better in the next speech? What did you learn, what are your goals for next time, and how will you achieve those goals?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
It was our first time to make a speech. Therefore, numerous aspects did not go as we had anticipated. Before we recorded the performance, the group undertook different preparations. First, there was a rehearsal of the speech and the role of each member during the presentation. I anticipated that the exhibition would be seamless, with minimal challenges. However, several issues arose during the presentation time. First, I discovered that there were differences in accent or pronunciation, which affected the consistency in the performance. Although we had practiced proper pronunciation, there were still challenges from the group members. The time spent developing the speech was approximately 12 hrs, which were distributed across several days. The time included the period that was used to practice on the performance. Before the actual performance, we had two one-hour practice sessions. This was very important to identify the potential mistakes and areas of concern in the presentation and make the necessary changes. While going to the speech, I felt confident and well-prepared to undertake the role. However, things did not go as we had anticipated.
After watching the recording, I think we performed fairly. Many aspects that we highlighted during the practice sessions were addressed or improved on during the presentation. Therefore, it was a good performance from the team despite not achieving the primary targets. I believe that the preparation was thorough, comprehensive, and followed the different te...
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