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Reflection on Group Informative Speech

Essay Instructions:


Maintaining a high level of self-reflexivity is crucial in order to improve on any new endeavor. This includes working in small groups - a task we will engage with multiple times throughout our entire lives. The purpose of this reflection paper is to write your thoughts on the group process by applying key terms from readings, specifically as it pertains to the Group Informative Speech assignment.


First, read Chapter 7: Communication in Small Groups and Organizations. Then, using that knowledge as your foundation, write an essay (maximum 3 pages) discussing your experience in the group process responding to the following prompts:

Satisfaction: Ultimately, how satisfied were you in achieving the goals of the project? Remember, the goals of this project were both immediate and pragmatic (complete this project successfully) and long-term and holistic (learn and practice about using research, giving evidence based speeches, and working in groups - even if this particular project was challenging).

Evolution: Using Chapter 7 as your basis, discuss the group's productivity, cohesion, and synergy. Where did the group excel, where did it fail, and where could you have done something to change the course of the outcomes in these?

Leadership: Using Chapter 7 as your basis, who emerged in a leadership role and what kind of leadership style did they utilize? Was the leadership style effective? What could you have done to create better leadership in the group?

Roles: Using Chapter 7 as your basis, what roles were fulfilled and who fulfilled them? What roles were missing? How did the distribution of roles affect the overall productivity of the group? What could you have done to achieve a better distribution of roles in the group?

The roles are:

Darya: as the leader

Jenny: recorder

Maria: information seeker

Me: helper if they need anything. For example, when Maria is having trouble with her zoom.

All of us: we encourage each other.

Reflection: There is actually a term for it: grouphate. (Links to an external site.) What can you (specifically "you" as in "the student writing this reflection," not a general "you" as in "people") do to avoid grouphate in the future?

Hints for Exceptional Work:

First, make sure you are grounding your reflection in the terms and concepts of Chapter 7 of your textbook. There are very particular ways we should be thinking about working in groups - use this way of thinking.

Second, we cannot control what other people do, we can only control what we do in an effort to influence the outcomes of responses of others. So, if at any point you say that the group would have been more successful or would have been better in any way if someone else had done something different, then you've failed. Focus on what you can do.

This is a reflection paper about our group after doing our own speeches in the group.

Note: this is our first speech, so it didn't go smoothly, or it's not perfect.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Group Informative Speech
Reflection on Group Informative Speech
Communication is an important aspect that reveals certain truths. There are three significant truths related to communication: language is arbitrary, language is ambiguous, and language is abstract. While these are essential truths about communication, it is also vital to understand that social constructions are the basis for creating meanings. The meanings of symbols are usually achieved through social construction. The purpose of the essays is to reflect on the group informative speech exercise, highlighting the different aspects of the readings.
I was very satisfied with the process of completing the group informative speech project. There were diverse concepts and skills that we applied during the project. First, it provided an opportunity to learn and practice speech making. There was also technology, such as Zoom, which is a vital component of our time's social context. Moreover, to develop the speech, we undertook research and collaborated with the team members to deliver an evidence-based speech. This essential consideration revealed the diverse components involved in speech making. The most satisfying aspect was the need to work in groups and fulfilling various roles in undertaking the project. This made the whole exercise fun and inspiring because we motivated each other through the challenges experienced.
There was also an evolution of the group during speech making. Every individual participated actively during the speech-making, adhering to the diverse components associated with the process. The group's productivity was outstandi...
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