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Factors that Influence the Disclosing of a Disability

Essay Instructions:

two sources provided from my university library as asked.

Grading Guidelines

PART 1: Investigate the issue/problem DEADLINE: Due ____ PAGE COUNT: 2-3 pages (if using APA, no cover page nor abstract needed) POINTS POSSIBLE: 100 points GUIDELINES (this is what should be included) ● Use MLA or APA formatting and citation guidelines ● AUDIENCE: People who are unfamiliar with this topic ● PURPOSE: To inform (which means you will need to be objective) ● ******IMPORTANT*****Use 1-2 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources from the university databases to support the explanation of the problem. Do not use sources you used in previous RESEARCH assignments. ● Describe the problem (or issue): Readers should have a clear sense of ○ what is the problem or the issue? ○ What is its extent (in other words, how bad is this problem or how challenging is this issue? What will happen if it isn’t solved or addressed? ○ Who is impacted by the problem or issue (be specific). ○ Support with research and evidence that shows the problem or issue exists ● Describe any solutions that have been implemented, and support these descriptions with research. ● Discuss if these solutions have worked and why or why not; support with research.

PART 2: Reflection FORMATTING: Use either MLA or APA standards (no cover page or abstract needed) PAGES: 1-2 pages; POINTS: 30 points ADDRESS these questions: ● Explain why you chose your topic (provide reasons and examples) ● Explain your research process (how did you locate secondary, tertiary, and scholarly sources? What databases did you search within the online library? What did you do when you encountered a challenge?) ● What are the keywords and keyword combos you used to research your topic and describe your initial results,, then after you used delimiters (e.g., AND, OR, etc.) ● Describe any “habits of mind” you used (see Chapter 4 for details) while completing this project, or ones that could have benefitted your research experience. ● Describe how your view of the topic expanded, changed, or deepened.. 1 Controversial: there is enough evidence to support multiple sides of this issue. It is something that people are debating, and there is no clear-cut solution to the problem or issue.

 Criterion Score

Locate and evaluate legitimate sources; and correctly apply citation conventions.

Score of Locate and evaluate legitimate sources; and correctly apply citation conventions.,/ 4

Compose a an informative essay that properly synthesizes information and research with your own words for a specific audience and purpose,


Score of Compose a an informative essay that properly synthesizes information and research with your own words for a specific audience and purpose,,/ 4

Demonstrate knowledge of writing conventions, including those of tone, genre, and syntax including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Score of Demonstrate knowledge of writing conventions, including those of tone, genre, and syntax including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.,/ 4

Meets deadlines and engages in peer review and revision process

Score of Meets deadlines and engages in peer review and revision process,/ 4

Reflect on your own writing and research process, collaboration, and how you developed any of the“habits of mind,”

Score of Reflect on your own writing and research process, collaboration, and how you developed any of the“habits of mind,”,/ 4

Rubric Total ScoreTotal

Score of Investigation and Reflection Rubric,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date Part A: Factors That Influence the Disclosing of a Disability             For people with disability, findings and sustaining work is among the critical challenges of the 21st century. The century has come when there is increasing pressure for the global community to embrace diversity within communities, organizations, government institutions, international bodies, and public and social spaces. However, the inclusion of people with a disability appears to be slower than anticipated. In the US, only one in three people with disability are employed compared to 7 out of ten people without disabilities. Across Canada, 49% of people with disabilities are employed compared to 79% for people without disabilities (Bonaccio, Connelly, and Gellatly). While there are many reasons for these observations, key among them is the stigma around disclosure of disability.             For the global community to achieve its diversity and inclusivity goals, it is essential to understand this dimension of factors that impede their progress. Even the name itself disability implies without ability which, in itself, plays a role in making it difficult for people with disabilities to disclose the state to potential employers. According to Bonaccio, Connely, and Gellatly (137), there are 11 core concerns that employers have about people with disabilities. These concerns manifest around the job cycle, from recruitment to termination, and form the basis of the stigma that impeded people with disabilities. For instance, in the selection phase of the employment cycle, a key concern is the attractiveness of job openings to people with disabilities. In this case, recruiters might incorrectly assume that an applicant with a disability may not perform the intended tasks optimally because of a disability. Shrader, Malzer, and Bruyere (3) argued that this perception forms part of the wrongly held prejudices against people with disabilities.             Most people fear disclosing a disability because of the potential consequences of not getting a job or sustaining one. Even if they get the job, disclosing can result in negative consequences like isolation from co-workers, increased likelihood of termination, and lowered supervisor expectations (von Schrader, Malzer and Bruyère). This is an example of many prejudices that result in the stigma that undermines people with disability's place in the work environment. Not solving the problem will sustain t...
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