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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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Who has a Right to Health Care?

Essay Instructions:

Who has a right to health care? (List any category of people you can think of (or none if that is what you believe)

How do we decide this question here in the United states?

Is this the right way to make this decision?

How would you do it differently?

Content: Your response should be thoughtful and should reference the assigned readings as directed by the prompt. The best strategy for answering these is to make sure you directly respond to all aspects of the prompt or prompts. Your answer should not be a short one or two sentence “short answer” response. It should be more considered than that, containing specific arguments and examples drawn from the readings, lecture material, or your own experiences. Some prompts will require you to compare and contrast readings, relate readings to contemporary events, or detail and recount the argument of a specific reading. Your responses should be around 500 words.

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Who has a right to health care?
Everyone has a right to healthcare. Every person has the right to receive the best medical care the world has to offer. There should not be barriers to healthcare or factors introduced to make it difficult for some people to access healthcare. The only requirement or condition should be that someone is a human being and thus deserves the best medical attention regardless of where they are. Healthcare is not an aspect that is limited by geography or finances. By virtue of belonging to the human race, every person should be accorded the right to healthcare. There have been instances when people have been denied their fundamental rights mainly because of what Light (25) categorical inequalities. Light (25) notes that “rules of access and coverage of medical costs embody categorical inequality.” The implication of the above is that some people end up being discriminated against and denied their inherent right to healthcare. What follows are instances of blame game where no one wants to be answerable and truthfully speak on the evil or sin of denying people their right to great healthcare.
How do we decide this question here in the United States?
In the U.S., the right to healthcare is limited to people who have money. The healthcare system in the U.S. is designed to stifle the right to healthcare while allowing the development, growth, and enrichment of a manipulative health insurance system that denies people their fundamental right. Even though the U.S. has been at the forefront in championing for people’s right to life all over the world, the country appears not to subscribe to its policies within its boundaries. In the U.S. system, the health insurance system exploits people while hoarding healthcare opportunities in order to “extract ‘rents’ for granting access to a scarce resource” (Light, 25). Medical services are n...
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