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Journals on Various Articles

Essay Instructions:

Please writing reader-friendly journals to help me see how the materials resonated with you (260 words). Some guiding questions: What feelings or memories did the materials elicit? What previous thoughts did they challenge? What new thoughts did they bring to mind? How does the material connect to your experience? What moved you in the materials? (Don't need the cited page)

Please write 9 journals for every given materials below:

1. Lecture 5.4


link: https://triton(dot)news/2017/05/death-george-winne-jr-fight-peaceful-world/

and video 'Herbert's Hippopotamus', https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=vnZ8WaiXnBY&t=4s

3. video "Wealth Inequality in America", https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM

and video "Requiem for the American Dream", https://tubitv(dot)com/movies/451500/requiem-for-the-american-dream

4. 'Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems', https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot

video 'Neoliberalism As Water Balloon', https://vimeo(dot)com/6803752

video 'Wendy Brown on Education.' https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=uFRGHXn0mRc

5. 'American Anomie', https://www(dot)truthdig(dot)com/articles/american-anomie/

and 'BEYOND A LIFE IN THE RED', https://triton(dot)news/2019/01/beyond-life-red/

6. 'America's extreme neoliberal healthcare system is putting the country at risk', https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/commentisfree/2020/mar/21/medicare-for-all-coronavirus-covid-19-single-payer

and video ‘People Are Dying’, https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/video/nyregion/100000007052136/coronavirus-elmhurst-hospital-queens.html

7. video "Charlottesville: Race and Terror", https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=RIrcB1sAN8I&t=2s

and listen "To See Each Other", https://peoplesaction(dot)org/tseo-ep2/

8. 'Only Solidarity Can Save the Planet.' https://newrepublic(dot)com/article/154623/green-new-deal-solidarity-solution-climate-change-global-warming

and video 'This Changes Everything', https://tubitv(dot)com/movies/492011/this-changes-everything

9. 'A Crisis Reveals What Is in Our Hearts', https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2020/11/26/opinion/pope-francis-covid.html

and 'Your Liberation Is on the Line' , https://www(dot)lionsroar(dot)com/your-liberation-is-on-the-line/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journals on Various Articles
Lecture 5.4 “To Demand that the University Work for Our People”
I agree that the students have demands in the university, which they learn from many issues that affect their learning capabilities. The students involved in the Chicano Legacy played a significant role in ensuring that the matters affecting the students get addressed accordingly to improve the learning standards in the university environment. The student movement needed to get controlled and staffed by the Chicanos since the staff had direct competency in their community. The article elicited my feelings on the meeting held in Santa Barbara that facilitated the establishment of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano, which unified other student organizations. I concur that at California University in San Diego, the reformists and other participants argued forcefully on the right of Chicano’s community to determine the nature of the public universities.
The thought created in my mind was that it is essential to compromise on the mind of each activist in the Chicano movement for the liberation of the Chicano individuals. Racism and knowledge dissemination would make it a key factor for the future of ethnic Mexican individuals in America. Furthermore, changes in the university governance, such as alterations that would bring better curriculum and student admissions, were important resolutions demanded by San Diego Chicano efforts. Racism is a factor that I think needs to be addressed most in learning institutions since it significantly affects the learning capabilities of ethnic minorities. I strongly agree that racism brought violence that left some students hurt and made them stop studying in San Diego. Academic freedom is undeniably crucial, as seen from Zapata Lumumba’s actions.
“The Death of George Winne Jr. and the Fight for a More Peaceful World”
My conscience drives me to a clear insight that the demise of George had a significant meaning upon the protest of the American involvement in the Vietnamese War. Herbert Marcuse was involved in the simple memorial service for Winne (Biophily2). I believe this action that Winne did mark the significance of the anti-war protests. However, Winne was brought up in a military atmosphere, making him fearless even on the most extreme action he could take. It was through the war realities that brought the consequences of the American psyche and facilitated the death of George. In my thinking, it was not rational for Winne to take the action of suicide to protest against the continued war. The action could not be allowed in any protest whatsoever. I have learned that Winne was a quiet person and other students described him as a loner. Therefore, with no skepticism, he might have been suffering from psychological issues that led to the extreme action of committing suicide.
The American citizens were tired of the continuation of the war and led to a significant escalation of frustrations. Winne’s frustrations and distress led him to have thoughts of being drafted if he could attend student graduation. The shooting of unarmed US individuals created more concerns during the war, which led to peaceful and violent protests in the streets. I agree that the campuses needed to shut down for the safety of the students. I have learned that Winne’s act of suicide was highly influential, which led Robert to set himself on fire and die.
“Wealth Inequality in America”
Through the different opinions and ideas of various American citizens, I have learned that the wealth inequality in America was the distribution idea. Many American individuals thought that the distribution of fortune in America was not fairly done. The wealth distribution reality in America is far from what the individuals think the wealth should be distributed. The actual distribution of the thoughts of the Americans on how the wealth should be distributed shows a significant difference from the ideal thinking. I have realized that 1% of the richest Americans have far more wealth than the speculated 20% of the wealthy Americans should have. However, I think the distribution of wealth will never be equally done since people need to deliver and work to put the country at the forefront of economic development. I have learned that the actual wealth distribution in America leaves the poorest fraction barely able to purchase anything and the middle-class having a slight distinction to the poor individuals. The other fraction of the 1% rich individuals have so much fortune that they have 40% of all the nation’s wealth.
I think that Noam Chomsky’s idea on the requirements of the American dream focuses on the unemployed working class, which has better hopes in the future than it has today. He argues that the inequality is significantly unprecedented, and American history presents the worst wealth equality (Politizane). But, critically observing the scenario, the inequality originates from 1% of the wealthiest individuals in the American population.
“Neoliberalism- the Ideology at the Root of all our Problems”
In my view, neoliberalism is a crucial reform policy used to control the market prices and minimize the trade barriers that influence the state’s economy. Communism theory encourages democracy in owning a property by a community and curtailing the private ownership of a property. I think that communism in society has a significant disadvantage since it is eliminated from the free-market deals. The planners of communism lose the valuable response of the feedback on the prices about what the individuals need. The economic meltdown in the United States in 2007-2008 was evident during the rise of Donald Trump, who facilitated the collapse of education, public health, and the ecosystem (Lencucha et al. 514). I agree that neoliberalism came as a consciousness of trying to mend human life and shift power locus. The citizens are well defined by neoliberalism as democrats that need to buy and sell, which punishes inefficiency and rewards the merits in the economic market.
I have realized that the heavy taxes incurred by American citizens can be reduced by the policy reform associated with neoliberalism. The reforms can significantly improve the availability of commodities to consumers at an affordable price without the need for bargaining in the market. I have learned that some nations, such as Britain, where neoliberal ideology has been much applied, can be the loneliest European capital. The power of monopoly is believed as a reward for efficiency in which the government should regulate market competition.

“American Anomie” and “Beyond a Life in the Red”
I strongly agree that anomie can significantly affect individual performance in society. Individuals might end up in suicidal thoughts through the disintegration of social bonds brought about by the concept of anomie. I have witnessed many individuals undergoing psychological problems, such as stress and depression, that lead to suicidal thinking. However, through Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist, I have learned that when the social bonds are strong, the members of the society tend to reach a healthy balance between communal solidarity and individual perspective that leads to a life-sustaining equilibrium.
I concur that the members of a society are kept together by the ent...
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