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What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life amidst Uncertainty and Danger by Arthur Kleinman, M.D.

Essay Instructions:

What Really Matters

The premise of Kleinman's book is that for many people (especially those in my generation and older), many years have passed in the United States without any major events occurring that constitute existential risk or danger. This feeling of security was punctured some on 9/11, but this event did not usher in any major re-organization of society or major changes in our culture. Implicit in his argument is the notion that as a society we choose to ignore existential risk, choosing instead to live "a big lie" that enables us to carry on our daily routines without confronting these deeper questions of our own mortality and the dangers we face on a daily basis.

He reinforces his argument by telling stories of people he has met and interviewed, and from his own life.

Please respond to the following questions in relation to Kleinman's book:

What is the "big lie" that Kleinman speaks of?

What does he suggest we confront instead of living out the "big lie"?

Why does Kleinman think it is important of us to confront existential risk?

You all are now growing up in an environment that DOES feature a new form of existential risk (Covid, of course, but also things like climate change). Do you think this will fundamentally change the way you live your life going forward - the way you view your own mortality? The way you respond to or care for others? The way you value and live your own life? Or will you and your peers continue to live "the big lie" in order to carry on and function in the manner that you are accustomed?

Using at lease one concrete example from the book, discuss how the existential challenges your generation faces compares to the moral dilemmas Kleinman describes among his colleagues and research subjects.

Content: Your response should be thoughtful and should reference the assigned readings as directed by the prompt. The best strategy for answering these is to make sure you directly respond to all aspects of the prompt or prompts. Some prompts will require you to compare and contrast readings, relate readings to contemporary events, or detail and recount the argument of a specific reading. Your responses should be around 500 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life amidst Uncertainty and Danger by Arthur Kleinman, M.D.
According to Arthur Kleinman, life is filled with danger and uncertainty, and it's everyone’s responsibility to hold onto the things that matter. Through stories and personal experiences, Arthur narrates in plain language the frailty of human encounters and affairs. Every chapter covers a unique illness and traumatic injury that strategically serves a moral crisis and responds. Kleinman learned through these stories and challenges readers to also learn and live a moral life. More so, Kleinman pinpoints the key areas he felt the profession has been insensitive to the moral contours of care. The book offers excellent lessons applicable beyond illnesses and medicine.
What is the "big lie" that Kleinman speaks of?
Kleinman refers to "big lie" like the falsehood embedded deeply in our global culture. We live in a world filled with all sorts of lies that have distorted our perception of reality in one way or another. Kleinman believes further that the failure of humans to acknowledge the omnipresence of hazards has created a false image of who we are as humans (13). False image makes it almost impossible to know where we are headed as well as what lies ahead of us as humans. Lies have persisted that mainstream religious traditions already embrace some aspects of the big lie (20).
What does he suggest we confront instead of living out the "big lie"?
According to the author, if humans confront genuine realities, they can live better (26). Confront political perils of cultural revolution ...
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