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Influence of Culture on Health

Essay Instructions:


Suggested Length: 4 pages, 12pt font, Times New Roman, Double spaced, 1-inch Margins Maximum Length: Your exam may not exceed 5 pages as described above

Minimum Length: There is no minimum length


Answer Two short essay prompt out of 3 choices:

Prompt 1:

There is considerable evidence that different populations in the United States experience healthcare in profoundly different and unequal ways. From the perspective of medical ethics, this is unjust and should be remedied. Yet there are a number of factors that make finding solutions to the problem of health care disparities elusive. Drawing on course materials, explain how each of the following two factors make improving health equity so challenging, and propose a specific solution to overcome the challenge: (1).The definition of population groups and the targeting of interventions. (2).The close association between race and social class.

Prompt 2:

In this class we have focused on the relationship between culture and health. This relationship comes into focus especially when considering the experiences of immigrants in the United States and how they access health care services. Drawing on course materials and personal experience(if relevant), discuss how being an immigrant can shape your health and your experience accessing health care services. Your answer must reference at least two sources (readings or films) and use at least one concrete example.

Prompt 3:

In Arthur Kleinman’s book What Really Matters, he argues that we would be better off if we confronted the existential risks that face us as human beings because it makes us better capable of appreciating the value of life itself. Choose at least one form of existential risk that you personally perceive is currently affecting you or will affect you in the future. Discuss how you perceive this risk and what you specifically do to confront it, manage it, deal with, or minimize it in your daily life. What effect do you feel your strategy has on how you value or appreciate life itself? What implication do you think this has for your ability to be healthy and to help promote health for others?

(Google drive link of book What Really Matters:https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/file/d/1nai-iiqeA-weseCAdC7O0v9X5SwV4YX_/view?usp=sharing)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
* Prompt 2: In this class, we have focused on the relationship between culture and health. This relationship comes into focus, especially when considering the experiences of immigrants in the United States and how they access health care services. Drawing on course materials and personal experience (if relevant), discuss how being an immigrant can shape your health and your experience accessing health care services. Your answer must reference at least two sources (readings or films) and use at least one concrete example.
The influence of culture on health remains undeniable. Culture affects one's perception about health, causes of diseases, approaches to health promotion, beliefs about causes of diseases, treatment options, pain and illness expression, and experience. Being an immigrant, especially in the US, presents one with several challenges regarding access to health care services. Some of the most common challenges that face immigrants seeking health care services in the US are overall lack of information, language barrier, a barrier to information, and cultural differences (Portes and Donald 9). As an immigrant, there is an overall lack of information about healthcare location and range of services, among others. Most services offered by most American health facilities are not often advertised and only spread through word of mouth. Most immigrants, especially those considered socioeconomically disadvantaged, are often ignorant about these leaving them disadvantaged and vulnerable to public health threats.
Secondly, the lack of English fluency and cultural differences leaves most immigrants disadvantaged when seeking health care services. Cultural, linguistic barriers have resulted in major hurdles in serving the immigrant population. For example, a teenage girl admitted to an American hospital could not explain her symptoms in English, leading to the wrong drug prescription. The prescriptions being wrong worsened the girl's situation where she died of appendicitis (Joseph 170). On top of the language barrier, there is always the challenge of giving immigrants the desirable instructions and having them follow diligently. Cultural/linguistic barriers will only be managed when all medical practitioners become fluent in the immigrant's language and attain the desired cultural mastery.
Thirdly, most immigrants in America face several federal barriers that limit them from accessing federally funded healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. The personal responsibility and work opportunity Act of 1996 excludes immigrants with less than five years in America from accessing federally funded programs such as Medicaid. As such, the state immigration policies have in the past few years had a chilling effect on the health-seeking behaviors of immigrants. These policies have triggered fear, especially among illegal immigrants who would rather suffer silently than get detected, arrested, and deported. Adoption of the Arizona Bill 1070, for example, empowered law enforcement authorities to verify the immigration status of those perceived to lack authorization, which resulted in decreased likelihood of using preventive and public assistance by pregnant girls and women of Mexican origin, even if born in the US (Willen 303). This, among other reasons, has seen immigrants avoid clinics and hospitals with the concern that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will detain them. For legal immigrants, bureaucratic rules and billing remain a huge barrier. Health care facilities tend to bill immigrants highly, which means that most are forced to seek medical care not unless their medical conditions are urgent.
Finally, in an era when diseases such as...
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