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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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Creative Writing Application To The Summer Camp

Essay Instructions:

"Describe how you see yourself as a leader among those with whom you interact". Please limit to 750 words.
My name is michael Huang from china a junior in a public high school, it is an application essay for the summer camp that they required me to answer the question above. i will be major in business or management
im currently working on a foundation that i have created by myself and my friends. it is a foundation that created in sichuan (a state in the south west of china) which mainly help the kid from the school where located in the far country sides. they couldn't pay for the tuition, our purpose is to find these kids and help them for the tuition or daily supply. the money that we got is from the auction or public donation that we create both online or physically in china. you can put this as the example of my leadership. doesn't have to be very specific but it should clear that i m a good leader.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

All through my lifetime, I have had the opportunities to be a leader. Through being part of groups in schools presentations, the school football team, being part of my family, and even through being a youth leader in church leader; I have experienced being a democratic leader in all these situations. In the above-described experiences, I have gained necessary leadership qualities. In the positions I have learned to be a good listener, to be patient, to be a problem solver, to be outspoken and how to engage in a constructive criticism without fear. Leadership involves continuous learning, and therefore, I believe I still have a lot more things to learn. Such qualities include being more disciplined, being a more confident public speaker and learning how not to be too optimistic and be realistic.
At school, playing in sports gives me the opportunity to be part of both a losing and a winning team. This experience indeed gives me a different perspective of viewing things. From losing, I have realized that you should not use it as a reason to abandon that particular course of action, but it should be an open chance for us to get right back up at it. My mistakes and errors have always encouraged me to motivate my teams to prepare more so as we win the next match. Through consistent encouragement and motivation after a loss, we usually get up stronger, both physically and mentally prepared to face our next challenge. In life, when youths and teens fail at something, they automatically give up assuming that they can not do it. By listening to my teams, and by learning from our collaborative mistakes, I have managed to guide the team towards overcoming many obstacles. Throughout this, I have come to be a great democratic leader.
In class work where I have been part of a group to do projects, I have always taken the initiative to motivate all the team members to speak up and contribute their ideas to the groups' discussions. I have always ensured active participation from all members upholding fairness and respect for divergent opinions. Through participatory brainstorming, we have always come up with so...
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