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Paper On Interview With Law Enforcement Officer

Essay Instructions:

Interview a member of law enforcement or medical community (it does not matter who) and ask them about their training and knowledge of individuals with disabilities and what to do when they interact with them. Ask them what they think they need to know on the job and what is missing in their training.

Write a 2 page paper on what they said. Be sure to include information about their title, the type of work they do, and where they work, in general (i.e., in a hospital, at a school, for a police department, etc.,).

You can fake the interview and make up the answers. If you can make up a basic interview that includes details but it does not have to be based off a real person. Thank you very much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Tips for interaction with Disabled persons
The current statistics at both national and local levels indicate that people with disabilities encounter difficulties when they access various services. The study encourages members of the public to offer support to the disabled individual to help them get access to essential services. However, people can only offer the needed assistance when they understand the best way to interact with disabled persons. Therefore, an interview with a nurse at one of the hospitals about his training and knowledge of people with disabilities revealed the following. First, he clarified that there are different approaches of interacting with a disabled person and it depends on the type of disability. The summary of the interview has been highlighted as follows.
Interaction with physically disabled persons
The nurse recognized the first group of disabled persons to include those with physical disabilities. Interacting with them requires that one accords them their personal space which includes the person’s wheelchair, crutches or walking sticks. For example, the nurse advised that the person assisting him or her should avoid touching the wheelchair or move around with crutches. However, when speaking to the person, it is prudent and reasonable to find something to sit on that allows for direct eye contact with the disabled person who uses the wheelchair. According to, (Karl, Renee, et al., pp. 237-239), by bringing yourself to their level creates a sense of trust needed to interact a physically disabled person.
Interaction with vision impaired persons
According to the nurse, when one meets a person with vision impairment, first start by addressing then by name then followed by your name while maintaining a clear and normal voice. In line with (Karl, Renee, et al., pp. 240-241), when one raises or varies his or her voice, the vision impaired individual becomes irritated because he or she cannot easily follow. They hardly depend on one visual cue, and therefore, the person interacting with them should verbalize their thoughts. Also, when leaving a room, one should signal to them to ensure that a vision impaired individual is not embarrassed by attempting to speak without a response.
Interaction with hearing impaired persons
The third group of people with disabilities includes those with hearing difficulties that also require support to enable them to obtain essential services. The nurse indicated that people with hearing impairment do not experience significant challenges as compared with those with vision and physical disabilities. When interacting with them, the nurse explained that it is first important to gain their attention by gently tapping the shoulder before communicating. After gaining his or her attention then a direct eye contact should be maintained when talking to the individual. In line with (Karl, Renee, et al., pp. 243-244), the direct eye contact makes the mo...
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