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Verbal/Non-Verbal Messages and Gender/Culture Effects

Essay Instructions:

Watch a television show; choose your favorite sitcom (situation comedy or soap opera). If you don’t have one, choose a popular sitcom—any episode, not longer than 30 minutes. Make sure that the episode includes both men and women in significant roles and/or different social classes/ethnic origins. You should find a show that you can either record or access online as you will need to watch it a few times. All the networks have episodes online; e.g. ABC, NBC, CBS, or another resource of your choice.

Your task is to observe the nature of the verbal and non-verbal messages, particularly in terms of how gender affects the message and the relationship between senders and receivers. What is the role of culture in these differences?

Next, write two FULL pages (double-spaced) providing a critical analysis of the nature of gender differences in communication. How does gender impact on communication? How does ethnic diversity affect communication? How do women and men choose to make their points, to interact with others, to communicate effectively or ineffectively? You are expected to draw significantly upon the concepts presented in Chapters 4 & 5 (as supporting) of your text; you will probably find useful concepts from the earlier chapters as well.

Tip: From live communication, we continue on to “packaged” and standardized communication as shown on TV. A sitcom is usually a mirror of how society is engaging in communication. You are going to isolate scenes or a whole episode that gives you signals of verbal and nonverbal communication. So, you move from observation to critical interpretation of a standardized communication product.


Above is the content of the textbook, you can find chapter4&5 in it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Verbal/Non-Verbal Messages and Gender/Culture Effects
Modern Family is a mockumentary sitcom that made its firsts premier on September 23, 2009, on ABC. Since then, Modern Family has won the attention of audiences from all over the world. Entailed in this paper is a discussion of how Modern Family uses verbal and non-verbal communication to convey messages. Also discussed is how gender and culture affect communication.
In season 6, episode 10 of Modern Family, Hailey invites her mother, aunt, and uncles to celebrate her twenty-first birthday with her at a bar. As the night progresses, they take a break from drinking and proceed to hand Hailey her birthday gifts. Her uncles, Mitch and Cam, are the first ones to present their gift. When she opens the gift, she retrieves a pair of shoes that she is unimpressed with. She holds up one shoe and responds by saying “Oh my God, so cute.” (5:05-5:22). However, her smile shows that she is not pleased with the shoes. Her voice also increases in pitch when she proceeds to praise the shoes (5:30-5:38), in an attempt to convince Mitch and Cam that she likes them. Mitch and Cam pick up on her fake smile, which is a non-verbal way to show displeasure, and offer to purchase a new gift for her. The sudden increase in the pitch of her voice is also a verbal way of showing that she is lying about being content with the gift.
Vocal behaviors are good clues about an individual’s age, ethnic background, and sex. In Modern Family, the characters use verbal communication to help the audience determine these factors about them. Judging by the tone of their voices, Lily is a child on the show, and Luke is a teenager (4:48-4:56). Jay is an older man and Phil is a younger man (2:40-2:52: 5:45-6:10). The audience can immediately discern that Gloria is a Spanish Native because of her heavy accent (00:36- 00:55: 12:05-12:12: 19:39-19:41). The use of voice also shows that Cam and Mitch are gay. Both their...
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