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Invest Much Time And Effort In Advertising

Essay Instructions:

Advertising is harmless, right? Lets think about that. If ads didn't work, would companies spend so much money and invest so much time and effort in advertising? We think we're ignoring ads, but they probably affect us more than we realize because they influence us cumulatively and subconsciously. How, exactly, do ads work? That's the focus of this essay, ad we're answering the question through detailed, close analysis of one ad.

Set up and resources. We'll watch part of Killing Us Softly 4, a DVD featuring Jean Kilbourne, who analyzes ads and their impact on us. We'll read several pieces from Writing Commons about how ads work (and we'll see how the authors analyze specific ads). You'll use a quote or paraphrase from one of these sources to add valuable content to your essay.

Analyze one ad in depth. Choose an ad that's rich enough in detail for a 3-page analytical essay. You might analyze a print ad from a magazine focusing on a special interest such as fashion, cars, fitness, bodybuilding, cooking, weddings, etc. If you have the magazine, you can draw some conclusions about the readers. (You can find ads online as well, but it's harder to analyze the audience without context.) Print ads work well for this assignment because they're static, but TV commercials can work, too, as long as you can access them repeatedly. You'll need to ind=clude your print ad with the final essay or provide access to the commercial.

How do we analyze ads? We can think about design (color, type size, images, language, tec.) the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, and context, for starters), and persuasive appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos). Of course, we'll want to consider the underlying message of the ad, which is why ads are so powerful. Ads often associate images of what we value in life with products, so Mcdonald's sells happiness, perhaps more than it sells burgers. Axe shows admiration from the opposite sex and implies that the lucky guy's popularity is a result of his body spray. Ads also manipulate through our fears and insecurities: "Worried about being a wimp? Manly men drive Chevy pickups." Or "Frizzy hair? You need to fix it to attract a man" Ask a lot of questions about audience and emotional appeal as you analyze ads.

Analyze effectiveness and implications: What does your analysis add up to? Is the ad effective? Ineffective? What would make it more effective for the target audience? What are the implications of this ad? What are the implications or potential impacts of ads like this one, viewed over and over, without conscious analysis?

Process: Consider the ideas introduced in the DVD, the readings, class assignments and activities. Find an appealing(appalling?) ad that's rich in detail. Asl lots of questions to help yo analyze the ad and develop ideas. Analyze the effectiveness and implications, which may lead you to the point you want to make. Write that point or main idea in one clear sentence - a thesis.

Audience and purpose: Consider your reader to be part of the general reading public, someone who doesn't look closely ad ads and isn't familiar with analyzing ads. Assume that your reader is not familiar with the ad you're working with. This means you must describe it in detail. YOUR PURPOSE IS TO DESCRIBE THE AD, ANALYZE HOW IT WORKS AND EXPLAIN WHETHER OR NOT IT'S EFFECTIVE. bY READING YOUR ESSAY, YOUR READER SHOULD ALSO GET A SENSE OF HOW TO READ AND AD.

organization and presentation: You will want an effective introduction, a clear thesis, some well-developed body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. You'll want to revise for effectiveness and clarity and to edit carefully to be sure you've used edited American English, with correct sentence structure, spelling, mechanics, and so on.

Tips and Hints: Identify the product/brand/manufacturer, avoid sweeping statements and claims that go too far, Be careful with language, Don't expect the reader to draw conclusions on his/her own, Use Topic Sentences.Work effectively with sources and follow MLA rules for in-text citation.

MY NOTE. Please, I'm trying to attached an ad from Arby's that I want to use. I'll submit this payment and attached to this order afterwards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Advertising Analysis
This particular advertisement features Arby's new King's Hawaiian sandwiches or burger buns. Arby’s is a famous quick-service fast-food sandwich restaurant chain of the United States; they have more than 3,000 restaurants and are known to generate huge profits every month (Eisend & Tarrahi 521). As is evident from the advertisement, there is a range of eatables for the customers. Amazingly, Arby’s has always kept the prices of its products to a minimum in order to facilitate more and more people. For instance, if someone buys the new King’s Hawaiian Sandwiches, he or she will get free cookies, free onion rings along with fries and free orange cream shake, and this is clearly mentioned on the advertisement.
When I first looked at the ad, I felt excited and wanted to know more about the range of products available at Arby’s restaurants, and this is what the mission of every company is. Arby’s has always tried to engage its customers toward the new and existing products via such marvelous and eye-catching ads.
Though it looks simple with only white and black shades along with light pink, red and orange colors, the ad conveys a beautiful message: customers should try the new Hawaiian sandwiches as they are flavorful and health-friendly. Obviously, the advertisement itself clarifies that high quality and top-notch ingredients have been used in preparing these sandwiches. For instance, the sweet and spicy sandwich with luau chicken contains lots of cheese, tomatoes, green vegetables and some onion rings that together enhance the taste of the sandwich.
It’s safe to say that a significant number of commercials are run on television and printed ads are shared everywhere on the web, but the success of a brand lies in how powerful its marketing or promotional strategies are and how many customers have been attracted toward its new deals or offers (Eisend & Küster 479). In the case of Arby's advertisement in question, I’d like to say that it looks appealing and possesses various characteristics. First of all, the idea of using simple colors is great, as people nowadays get quickly attracted to advertisements that contain simple or descent colors. Another thing that looks good in this advertisement is that it shows what types of discounts or free items are available at Arby's restaurants.
The two large pictures on the top are of two sandwiches, and beneath them, there is information on what is available free of cost. Besides f...
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