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The Female and Male Patterns of Communication

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Name Professor Literature and Language 07 May 2019 A Final Research Paper on the Female and Male Patterns of Communication Abstract This paper provides an in-depth evaluation and study of the various patterns of female and male communication. There is a wide array of factors that give a complete understanding as to why men and women are so different in many aspects. One of these aspects involves skill in communicating. In terms of social, marital and family relationships, men and women are presumed to always stand on different grounds. Thus, in this final paper, I will enumerate the reasons why there is a huge space of miscommunication and misunderstanding between the opposite sexes. Furthermore, the different modes of communication and speech used between these two individuals will be focused on the research and several primary resources will be elucidated to provide a clear, concise and elaborate explanation on account of these varying factors. Men and women are diverse in many ways such as in modes of talking, thinking and in manners of communicating with other people. Gender differences have been the topic of highly reputable universities and research corporations to be able to acquire a deeper understanding of how to mediate and fix arguments between and amongst groups of people consisting of mixed individualities. Communication is of such high importance in order to achieve goals, visions and missions either individually or as a group. There is a great need in the world today to attain peaceful communications and a high standard of professionalism in the dealings of administrations in companies and different entities. An organization will find it hard to succeed nor achieve greater feats in the absence of respect and reverence in the area of communication. At the end of this research, a few suggestions on the possible remedies of how to speak, talk and communicate better will be enumerated for the readers’ additional understanding. Importance of Communication Upon growing up, our parents and guardians taught us that women are supposed to talk nicely and more femininely while men are to speak with dominance and authority. According to the research team of Point Park University that “men are geared towards the kind of communication that aids in maintaining their status and independence in life, the family and community. Whilst, women are mostly known to communicate for purposes of creating friendships, counseling and comforting other friends and families.” This kind of upbringing has been brought up in our nervous or brain system for many years as we developed into adults. Speaking and communicating has been taught in earlier years of physical, mental and emotional development. There is indeed such a great need to study how communication between a man and a woman is enabled because speaking is an indispensable mode of expressing one’s emotions and thoughts. In addition, the way of communication with men seems to be a manner for acquiring power and political position in the government or administrative power within the corporate setting. Likewise, in terms of family organization, the male are known to be disciplinarians, bossy and always exercising their authority to bring fear and order inside the household. On another note, women are thought of to be more gentle, understanding and fair. This is one reason why the children seemed closer to the mothers and more distant from the fathers. Women are said to be more emotional and would make decisions based on what they feel in their hearts and minds rather than in the case of the males wherein their decision-making patterns are on point with the fact that they have to stand as leaders and authority figures, opting more on organization, discipline and strictness. The differences of communication between males and females have brought a gap between these two sexes that oftentimes, people see that men and women will never come into terms of fully understanding the other. This is where this final research comes into play, to inform the readers of the various remedies available to both the male and female species for a more harmonious relationship. The variations in the kinds and styles of communication between the opposite sexes might lead to misunderstandings, offensive innuendoes, annoyances between a man and a woman (Barr, K.R., 2019) that could eventually lead to marital conflicts, divorce and separation within a home. While in cases of misunderstandings inside a corporate office, this will cause a failure in the pursuit of the goals and vision of a particular organization, the loss of profit and diminished clients or customers. While some people might think that there is nothing important in this topic and subject matter, it could affect people’s lives a great deal and could even lead to wars between countries, amongst leaders. This is how grave a deal the research and study of communication is between a woman and a man. Male and Female Modes and Patterns of Communication There are different types of communication but we will focus on two kinds, the verbal and non-verbal modes of talking, listening, speaking and observing. Non-verbal communication includes “facial expressions, actions or gestures, touch, and eye contact” (Point Park University). While in terms of verbal speech and communication, the sentences and phrases must be considered and understood alongside the actions that accompany the words. The tone of the voice, the handshake, movement of the eyebrows are all indicative of whether the person talking is calm, angry, aggressive, lonely, sad or tranquil. The non-verbal patterns of communication stand as ques that help us recognize whether it is the proper time to speak, talk and communicate with the opposite sex or is that person going through significant challenges in life and would rather prefer to be alone. Hand gestures and facial expressions are of great assistance to people in need to commu...
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