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How Has Automation Affected Modern Story Telling?

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Summary:

Write a 1250-word essay connecting at least one reading from each of the three modules of the course (at least three readings in total) with some object or issue of your own choosing;

Correctly quote and cite at least one sentence from each reading you choose.

To get an A:

Read this entire assignment and the linked rubric Click for more options ;

Proofread your paper before submitting it.


Write an essay of 1250 words reflecting upon and responding to the themes and readings of the class, and specifically each of the three course modules (Machines, Codes, and Cultures). In your essay, relate these readings and themes to some object or issue of your choosing.

For example:

How does the question of materialism operate in Mattern's analysis of the early city, Weiner's notion of cybernetics, and Plant's description of feminist cyberculture? Which is the most compelling formulation and why?

Are humans programmable? Using examples of how humans acts as machines (such as in factory work settings) with their movements, consider whether actions like walking without thinking are similar to a passive program being run on a computer? What would the difference between machines and humans be, in this case, if any?

Why has the Buffalo area shrunk so much in recent decades? How much of a role has automation played? What about outsourcing? Computerization? (In order to address this type of question some outside sources may be needed.)

You should not use these exact examples, but develop ones of your own.

The title of your essay should be the question you are addressing, and a sentence proposing your answer should be included in the first paragraph of the essay (i.e., your thesis sentence). Your essay should go on to demonstrate and elaborate upon this answer. Your interpretation must address the work of a specific writer or writers from each of the three course modules.

Your first paragraph should introduce your object or issue and summarize the argument you will make in the rest of your paper. In your second, third, and, fourth paragraphs, connect this object or issue to one of readings assigned in each module, using one paragraph for each module. In your fifth and final paragraph, relate the object or issue and the arguments made in the three texts you have chosen to the larger themes of the course such as: culture's influence on technology, technology's influence on culture, determinism, etc.

Your essay must include and address a sentence-length quote from at least three assigned written texts (not screenings/videos), one from each of the three course modules (Machines, Codes, and Cultures). Your essay must go on to relate your understanding of the readings to both an outside object or issue and the course themes. You are free to cite additional sources, including screenings. Cite your sources in MLA in-text style, and employ proper grammar and punctuation. Unless you include sources from outside of the course materials, you are not required to provide a Works Cited section at the end of the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Name of the Student] [Name of the Institution] [Date of Submission] How has automation affected modern story telling? In the movies, in the media, and in modern discourse? Story telling is a part of what makes us human. While automation has made a lot of human skills redundant, it has been unable to diminish the appeal of a good story told well. Stories are a representation of how people perceive the world around them, how they idealize some things, and how they wonder what would have happened if certain constraints - such as time and space, did not bind them. In this paper I will argue that automation has had an impact on story-telling in terms of bringing human imagination to life, but unlike the many different human skills it has replaced, automation has been unable to replace humans in terms of their skills in storytelling. Automation has affected modern story telling by allowing story-tellers to bring their fictional world to life, by story tellers retelling age-old tales in different ways - adapting them to the modern audience, and making the stories more profound and less black and white. Stories have served many different purposes throughout human history - they have been a means to socialize, to share thoughts, to teach morals, and most of all to engage. Today, in this modern age, story-telling is an even more important skill. the reason for this is that the information age is all about communicating ideas and knowledge. With so many different channels and sources of ideas and knowledge, ideas that stand out are those that are told with the help of a story. How an idea is communicated and the story is told has a bearing on the viability of the idea. The appeal of a good story relies on the imagery and the language that it uses to describe the story elements - the context, the characters, the plot, and the various underlying ideas that are a manifestation of the authors' perceptions. Stories are told through discourse. Stuart Hall aptly summarizes the idea to say that: 'reality exists outside language, but it is constantly mediated by and through language: and what we can know and say has to be produced in and through discourse' CITATION Hal01 \l 1033 (Hall). Computers don't have the skills to tell a story, to engage in a way to inspire and to excite. However, automation has had an impact on the way in which stories are told. Visual tools which are used to generate the worlds in which story characters live are brought to life in detail. Take the example of the fairy tale Snow White. Told as a children's fable since time immemorial, modern interpretations of snow white have changed the way in which the story of snow white has been retold, connected to other fables, and adapted for the modern audience. The movie has had multiple versions of the story, where the first animated version was made in 1916. Over the years, animated versions of story have been made, but automation and advances in technology have allowed story-tellers to adapt the story and make different versions of the story. Stories such as Snow White are representation of ideas and perceptions. Hodges says in his article that ' ...letters would be used as symbols for numerical quantities. The rules for adding and multiplying them would follow from the assumption that they were really numbers' CITATION Hod12 \l 1033 (Hodges). In the same way that letters represent numbers in algebra, various elements of st...
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