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Communications & Media
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Social Media and HR Part 2 Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following questions in a 3-page paper (double spaced) with no header just your name in the top left side.

1.) Please identify the company in your writing.

2.) How long has the company been using it?

3.) What can other companies learn from this organization?

4.) What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the organization's use?

5.) How do you see social media us changing in the organization?

please read the website below and the article, use MLA format if you cite! Thank you for helping!


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Social Media and HR Use by Netflix
Social media platform has significant influence on how people communicate and maintain dialogue. Through the emergence of social media platforms, many people have gotten a democratic space where they can express themselves and be heard. Due to the benefits of social media platforms, many organizations are now focused on having its presence as an elementary practice for business HR engagement or marketing. HR is a department within an organization that deals with matters concerning employees such as work environment, skill and learning development, employee engagement, recruitments, and payroll, among other matters. HR is responsible for generating conversations and communicating about their different practices like leadership, talent acquisition, future employee's attraction, and employee communication, thus using social media to help them execute these tasks. HR gets an opportunity from social media to connect with all workers in the company despite their current location. HR function's credibility and visibility increases as workers become informed of a platform they can get their issues solved any time (McCord p.6). Netflix adopted social media and HR reinvention to thrive in its business, attracting many businesses that wish to learn from them.
Netflix is with no doubt among the best streaming service worldwide in terms of content library and customer base. Netflix streaming service is based on the subscription, which allows its members to view movies and TV shows on a device connected to the internet without commercials. The movies and TV shows are downloadable to Windows 10, Android, or iOS device, which can be watched later without the internet. Netflix reinvented HR to drive the business towards success. The company integrated this with social media, which facilitated communication within the organization. With this technique, employees can be motivated to collaborate, engage, and respond publicly in HR presence. Social media is an essential tool for engagement and corporate branding and can facilitate an organization's online conversations, crucial for its image building. Social media use in Netflix Organization has been changing and is bound to keep changing as long as more technological changes occur rapidly together with customers' preferences. Since time in memorial, the company has always upgraded its social media strategies to keep up with the changing technologies and meet customer's demands, which they are expected to continue doi...
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