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Communications & Media
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COM217 Communication in Organizations Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

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COM217 Communication in Organizations

Homework No. 4




In class we watched a short video summarizing the ‘science of persuasion’ available on youtube. This video summarized work by Robert Cialdini highlighting the six universal principles of persuasion. Obviously this has a lot to do with power and influence in organizations.


Your homework assignment is to choose 3 of the 5 principles of persuasion and describe a fictitious scenario in an organization showing how they could be used.


Use this word doc (single space, 12 pt. font, same margins, etc.) as a template for your assignment. Like all the writing assignments in this class, you should provide a short introduction paragraph. Also include a brief conclusion paragraph. Be sure to include the specific elements of good writing we discussed in class earlier in the semester.


There is no set length for this assignment—just follow the instructions.


The video is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFdCzN7RYbw


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Homework 4
In our day-to-day lives, we need to persuade people to agree to our position on an issue. Without persuasion, it is impossible to get other people to do things we believe in. In organizations, persuasion is critical in dealing with not only clients but also employees. This is particularly true in a hospital setting where authority, likability, and consistency are used in persuasion.
In a hospital setting, authority enables physicians to convince patients to undergo some procedures. When patients visit a hospital, they want to get information from doctors they believe are experts in their respective fields. For instance, assuming that the tests of a patient confirm cancer, a patient will require assurance from the physician that a procedure, say chemotherapy will cure the sickness. The patient may not trust what friends recommend in such a circumstance, given that he/she does not consider them experts ...
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