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Communications & Media
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Assignment 8: Formal Messages. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Chapter 8 formal messages
For this week, we’re looking at Chapter 8, and the idea of writing more formal messages. (Even though we put a lot of thought into our email messages, they are still considered “informal” messages. The formal messages are the ones that we create on paper, and for formal business letters, appear under the organization’s letterhead.)Your textbook tells us that the characteristics of successful letters – whatever the reason for writing them – are these:• Make what’s in it for the reader loud and clear.• Write in a conversational tone, but more carefully and formally than email.• Consider relationship building. Frame your messages courteously and respectfully.• Create letters that look well thought out and constructed. Use paragraphs and/or bullet points as appropriate. Use a readable type font – I like Times New Roman, but you can use a simple san serif type if you like it better. Position the letter appropriately on the page, making it look neat and organized.• Always write to a person. It’s not that hard to look up the name of the person who holds the job position you are writing to.• Engage the reader quickly to keep him or her focused and engaged in your message.• End with an appropriate call to action. If you’re asking for something, end by saying clearly what you want, or what the reader should expect.
You will see additional details about the needs in particular types of letters in the chapter reading.Your assignment for this week is to write a letter to someone requesting something. For example, if there’s a company or non-profit you would really like to work for, or a career field you would really like to be in, write a letter to the appropriate person asking if you can have a telephone or in-person informational interview about the organization or the career. Alternatively, you may write someone asking for a special favor – someone to provide you with a job reference, or maybe it’s a request for support for a cause that’s important to you. Either type of letter is fine, and you are not required to actually send the letter. I will grade the letter based on how well you integrate the bullet list of characteristics above, and how well you execute the “ask” – how clearly you state your message.Your assignment is due at the end of the day on Friday.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment 8: Formal Messages
November 13, 2020
Dear Sir
Kindly find my letter in reference to the subject mentioned above. I am a passionate environmentalist and would like to share information about our environment. I can do this by venturing into environmental and landscape photography. I noticed the existing gap in this niche within my county, and I would like to grab this opportunity to fill it. I will share critical information about environmental conservation and rampant pollution around.
For this...
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