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Media Essay: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions in short essay.

Are you willing to give up your data to tech companies for access to apps?

How do you feel that your data can be traded for financial gain by companies?

How would you protect yourself from having your data leak out into the wild? Conclude by addressing what you would do as an HR professional to address data privacy of employees of your company.

Need to read those links to complete the assignment

Listen: How Tech Companies Track Your Every Move & Sell Your Data (Links to an external site.)


Watch How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day (Links to an external site.)


Read: How Do Tech Companies Make Money From Our Personal Data?


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:
How Tech Companies Control Millions of Minds Everyday
We are currently at the information age, where firms and businesses thrive through data harvesting. When it come s to discussion regarding the use of personal data with or with permission, it elicits mixed reactions. Concerns have been raised regarding how various organizations use tech-firms and apps to mine people’s data for their use with or without the approvals. Data mining from unsuspecting is often done using a technological algorithm that collates information from various platforms.
The opinion of Sharing One’s personal Data
I would feel uncomfortable providing my data to tech apps. By giving too much of our data, we tend to relegate ourselves to mindless participation where we get no benefit in return despite the use of such information to drive various firm’s interests. I hold that people should enjoy control over their data. If one is to provide his or her data, the firm must seek approval through a credible, genuine, and honest process. The technology must be design to meet users' interests and values. Providing information constitutes a compromise to our right to confidentiality. In some instances, it can be a source of insecurity.
The data collection firms have not shown goodwill as per the recent phenomena. Geoffrey Fowler talks about how web browsers, phone apps, and smart speakers track users, even during our time asleep (Npr.org). The process is laced with malpractices. Users are often given a choice to agree with specific requests to collect information, including consenting or ‘opting out.’ However, the technological forms would continue to collate data from the client even if such a user has decided not to take part in data surveys.
When it comes to personal data, it’s challenging to identify and differentiate between unlawful collections and legitimate collections. Multiple factors need to be considered. For instance, data collection context, the methodology used to obtain user consent, and country-specific laws and regulations. Besides, it isn't easy to know if the data collected or provided will be misused or not. Thus, I would not readily surrender my data to tech apps.
Opinion on personal trading data for commercial gains and interests
It is not wrong to use data to gain market advantage by matching the product and service specification to clients’ needs. However, unauthorized collation of information and tracking of personal private life is unorthodox practice. I would feel bad if the information is collected or tracked without my knowledge and traded for companies' financial gains. It is sad to note that the data miners source information from users and sell it to third parties. The third parties use the illegally acquired information about users' behavioral patterns and personal details, including credit scores, income levels, interests, and dislikes (Ted.com). The contemporary business world has witnessed an increased and unprecedented commercial value for personal data, leading to the emergence of cybercriminals who do business by selling people’ stolen data using various computer browsers...
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