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Racism in America: Are the Legal Protections Necessary?

Essay Instructions:

CRS 334

Introduction to Argumentation

Spring 2019

Project #2: Position Paper

Total Value: 15% of Final Grade


Our recent readings and class discussions have focused on the issue of race in America.


While few would dispute that there still remains room for improvement in race relations in the United States, some argue that legal protections that were enacted in the middle part of the last century are no longer necessary (affirmative action, the Voting Rights Act). Others argue that some protections are still necessary, but the tools should be modified. Still others believe that race still matters – a lot, and all of the legislative protections should remain in place and properly enforced.


Included in the Project 2 file on Blackboard are several articles that can be used as writing prompts. They touch on issues of race, some we discussed in class and some we did not. These debates are to be used as writing prompts.



  • Draft an evaluative essay in the form of a 4-6 page position paper that supports your claim. In other words, take a position and support it. The paper should be no fewer than 1400 words and no more than 2200 words.
  • The purpose of writing prompts is to make you think.
  • DO NOT merely parrot the opinion of the author of the writing prompt article. Indeed, you might find the position take to be wrong or inaccurate.
  • IN THE ALTERNATIVE: use the concepts in one or more of the articles as a means of invention and develop a thesis on a related issue of interest to you.
  • You will not be able to adequately support your opinion without doing further research. The reading prompts are not sufficient.
    • You must research the issue and cite 3-5 sources described below as "Research Sources" The Research Sources must include scholarly or argumentative sources.
      • Scholarly sources:
        • As defined by Syracuse University, scholarly sources: are found in peer-reviewed, or refereed, journals. Such journals have editorial boards of experts who accept or reject articles for publication. Therefore, the articles are considered high quality and represent important research in a given field.
        • Articles from popular magazines do not include the same level of research and are not reviewed in the same way. They often contain stories of interest to a wider audience. See: http://researchguides(dot)library(dot)syr(dot)edu/c.php?g=258120&p=1725787
    • Argumentative sources take a position on the issue.
      • The argumentative sources must present differing views or reach different conclusions regarding the issue.
      • In other words, the sources should not be repetitive of one another. Together, they should expand your knowledge of the issue rather than merely repeat the same discussion.
      • Write your essay. I do not want to see an over-reliance on someone else’s language in the essay as you argue the case. Use your own reasoning skills and language to support your position.




  • Draft a written argument that demonstrates
    • Relevant, well-organized support for the claim, including
      • A clear, concise, controversial claim/thesis
      • Relevant, well-organized support for the claim, including
        • An introduction and conclusion that are logically supported by the analysis
        • Persuasive support for the claim that demonstrates
          • Strong authoritative, substantive and evaluative warrants
          • Appropriate and varied transitions that link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
    • A command of conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
    • See the rubic uploaded to Bb for greater detail.



  • Provide a Bibliography or a Works Cited page. APA or MLA format is fine.
  • Please format your letter in 12-point font and one-inch margins.
  • The paper should be no fewer than 1400 words and no more than 2200 words.
  • Upload the paper in Microsoft Word format.



Your audience is the readership of a national newspaper. Do not use the word “I.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s name:
Racism in America: Are the Legal Protections Necessary?
The racial injustices occurring in the nation today are reminiscent of the dark past and betray the country’s image and proud ideological belief in the principles of democracy. The deterioration of racial relations in the country raises the question of whether or not the legal parameters offered or rather enshrined in the constitution to guarantee equality and freedom to the minority groups are effective enough. It is, however, important to reiterate that legal parameters served to improve the relations in the past, leading to a reduction in segregation and discrimination. Despite the increasing rate of racial injustices, it is evident that the society is more cautious in addressing the issue than during the heights of the Civil Rights Movement. Hence, since it is impossible to do away with the legal protections embedded in the country’s constitution, measures such as Affirmative Action are effective in promoting racial integration across the social, political, and economic realms. The efficacy of such legal protections in improving the racial relations warrants the necessity for their enhancement through structural and institutional reforms. Thus, a collective effort involving the government and other stakeholders including the citizens should focus on encouraging the unbiased application of the legal parameters against racial discrimination. A comprehensive analysis of the proliferation of racial injustices in the U.S. serves as a useful platform for evaluating the necessity of the legal protections against the vice.
Attempts to overcome racial segregation have taken various forms including civil strifes such as the Civil War and the Civil rights movements of the 1960s. The historical events played a significant role in enhancing the living conditions of the minority groups or people of color but were not enough to achieve racial parity or equality across the social, political, and economic spectrums. However, the enactment of various constitutional reforms such as the 14th and 15th Amendments provided effective platforms that facilitated the enhancement of racial relations in the United States (Board). Nonetheless, the country continues to experience a wide range of racial discrimination across the social, political, and economic sectors.
It is evident that the country is slipping into an earlier, uglier, version of itself. Racial discrimination is rampant in contemporary society. For instance, when describing hate perpetrated by white men, contemporary media choose their words cautiously. Words such as riots, terrorists, and racists are omitted when describing the actions of white men. Instead, words such as mentally disturbed, shooter, and freedom of speech are used. Contrastingly, when describing protests geared towards standing up for basic human rights, terms such as unruly behavior and riots dominate the airwaves. The legal protections provided in the American constitution seem to have little impact on the crisis that is slowly eating into the country’s envied democracy. While the 1st Amendment protects individuals’ rights to free speech, it has little impact because it does not protect certain perspectives that promote hatred toward others. Some aspects of speech such as blackmail, obscenity, threats, and defamation are unprotected.
The worsening social relations manifest through the unfair policies implemented by public and private institutions in the United States. At the social level, the minority groups have been at the receiving end of inadequate housing and educational programs (Muhammad). For instance, a majority of the African American population live in the poor neighborhoods of the United States with little or no social amenities to support sustainable growth and development of the community as a whole. Most of the American citizens from the African American community are marginalized under the housing department. The housing department discriminates against black home seekers because of stereotypes concerning race (South). The department may further develop improved houses whose costs are out of reach or unaffordable to the poor neighborhood dwellers. This makes it all the more impossible for African Americans to secure proper housing. The poor housing distribution among the racial divide is largely to blame for racial discrimination in America. It is an indication of the continuation of the past oppression of the minority group upon which the White majority group exercised its superiority condemning the former to second rate citizens whose needs and demands were of little or no importance to the government or the nation at large.
Lower and higher learning institutions also form an area of concern influencing and revealing the racial disparities occurring in the country and which undermine the role of the legal protections against such developments. For instance, some institutions of higher learning discriminate against certain minority groups. Eve...
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