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Communications & Media
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Mass Media and Communication. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Completed, turned in on time, 3+ pages, proper format. (2 points)

• Provides thoughtful detail about how what we encounter in class connects or contrasts with your own

experience and knowledge. Guiding questions: What does what we’re learning mean for how you see the

world or how you are in the world? How does this affirm or challenge what you thought or knew prior to the

unit? In what ways, if any, was the material in this unit meaningful to you? Note: There aren’t “right” answers

to these questions, only thoughtful ones. (2 points)

• This is not a writing-centered course, but your points come across better if presented professionally. Please

edit carefully for grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Careless work or significant writing issues will cause

you to lose points here. See me for help or guidance if you have concerns about your writing. (2 points)

do not do chapter summary, but share your thoughts and show you read the materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Mass Media and Communication
It is evident that learning materials are crucial and helpful. For instance, as media personnel, it is essential to learn on the different aspects of society, the unusual happenings and the way of life of people. The aim is to build one's character and enable them to be just and fair in their dealings. This essay will present my understanding of the various course materials, about what I encounter out of class, and I agree with the concepts and indicate the usefulness of the materials.
Ways what we Learn in Class Connects to Our Experiences
Foremost I agree that our culture is becoming too immoral, greedy, apathetic, self-indulgent and pessimistic. For instance, it became clear that most Americans are becoming materialistic. In that most people feel that they absolutely must have certain things to seem like they are living (“Protected Blog › Log In"). Most of the stuff like digitised devices, high tech was just invented a few years ago. The need to have them has altered the landscape of the people home and families. The primary goal of acquiring these items is for entertainment and comfort purposes. Most families barely have a real conversation, and things seem to be easy. Unfortunately, the increase in materialism brings about undesirable effects like the disintegration of families, bankruptcy due to the rise of bills, despair, depression, teen suicide and divorce. Most of the things are evident as I have seen them affecting people. Often, little is done since the moment you have a problem with any of this you become the enemy of the people who need to be fired or sent off. All these changes will alter the way of life of people, and the next generation will be significantly affected. Similarly, the media seems to be controlling the thoughts and behaviours of people through the spread of propaganda and the leaders become hostile as days pass by. Something clear is that the concepts connect with my experience. It is clear that society is changing adversely.
In another scenario, the immigrants are seen as the enemies, and they suffer the pressure of the mode of behaviour from the minority (De Benoist). Their identity is only presented in a negative, and they suffer from the hostility of their new environment. For instance, it is clear that most of the immigrants provide cheap labour and on top of that, they are asked to go for overtime without pr...
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