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Discouraging Adult Smoking

Essay Instructions:

For your final instead of a paper you can choose a project but are not limited to, the following: ••A short documentary or other film modality ••A Paper ••A mock advertisement /commercial with clear consideration of visual design ••A Talk or presentation ••A website/wiki/blog ••A podcast or radio program ••A short video composition Please submit a 1-2 page written proposal describing your final project or paper 1. Your Name, course name & #, 2. Project Title, which considers your thesis for the project 3. Opening paragraph state your thesis in one sentence, summarize your proposal idea in two-three sentences. Include why this project is important to you 4. Proposed medium one of the above bullet points (If there is another that is not above feel free to propose this.) 5. Who is your audience? DMS students, UB students, professionals, high school students, international millenials, seniors who smoke, pregnant women under the age of 21, Teenage game addicts living in Japan. This is something you should always consider. Audiences can often change from project to project, some times your audience will remain the same for the length of your career. 6. Broadcast platform, when you have completed your project, you will need to post it to an online broadcast platform before you submit to UB Learns. I suggest YouTube, but if you work with another platform include this in the proposal. If you are submitting a paper you will upload to UB Learns. 7. Class collaborators. This is not mandatory. Each of you will decide if you would rather work alone or with partners. You will be allowed to partner with not more than 4 total class collaborators. Each partner must submit a proposal. Each proposal must describe how you are contributing equally to the project. 8. Objectives. List three objectives of the project; what the project is to achieve, create, or deliver. Identify who will derive a direct benefit from the expected outcome. Consider what you plan to show, explain, and/or discuss in your project. They can be basic and simple or elaborate and specific. 9. Supporting References: include any theories, ideology, readings, films, games, podcasts, or other media objects including essays you will be referencing. Your references can be objects we screened or read in class. They can also be objects independent of course work. This does not have to be complete and it doesn't have to include ALL of your references. This will give us and idea of where you are going to look for proof to support your arguments. 10. If you are submitting something other than a paper include: • What equipment you will be using • any locations/ DMS studio • interview subjects/actors if any • outline of line of inquiry • if using found or archival footage, music, sound effects (anything that was not originally your creation) of any kind please cite within the credits

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Subject Date Discouraging Adult Smoking Problem Statement Tobacco products are responsible for 6% of the global deaths annually, more than any single disease and it is projected that by the year 2020, the mortality rates will rise to between 11% in the developing world and 18% in the developed world. The impact of tobacco on global diseases is huge since it is the probable cause of more than 25 diseases where about a third of the world population aged over 15 years smoke, with male smokers in developing countries numbering to over 700 million out of which 40 % of adults in the Asian countries of China, Indonesia and India as well as a large population in South America are current smokers. These statistics paint a grim picture on the impact of smoking on human life and calls for adequate measures to combat the use of tobacco given that the world’s poorest countries record the highest consumption of tobacco products. This paper proposes interventions that are required to discourage adult smokers, who are more at risk of tobacco related diseases and from who youth uptake the behavior, prevent use of tobacco products among the adolescent population with a view of completely eliminate its use and empower healthcare professionals to provide effective advice and support to those individuals who are exposed to the use of tobacco products and increase health promotion activities. Health risks Many medical problems especially cardiovascular, cerebral vascular and respiratory diseases have a common causal factor being ingestion of tobacco related products which exposes users to tobacco related diseases which are the leading cause of preventable mortality (Shahab et al,. 2015). Non smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke kills almost 50,000 people annually in the U.S alone as measures such as ventilation cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to the Class A carcinogen (Mons et al., 2015). Objectives The aim of this proposal is to reduce the use tobacco products among the adult population and alleviate adolescent uptake of the habit. The ultimate goal is to reduce the associated risks to a substantially low ...
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