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Business Communication: Pepsi Communication Gone Wrong

Essay Instructions:

Phase IV (20 Points; Due: November 13, 2018): Evaluate the organization’s communication during the event/situation (e.g., identify major communication strengths and/or weaknesses). You will have to conduct research to find actual examples of communication. Relate these ideas to specific concepts and theories discussed in class.

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Business Communication: Pepsi Communication Gone Wrong
Pepsi is a multinational company that was established in the year 1965 which deals in drinks and beverages. Over the years the company has been performing relatively well against its competitors such as Coca-Cola. However, in 2017, the company came under sharp criticism following a commercial advert that they ran on television. To brand their products to resonate the Millennials, the company used a 21-year-old model Kendall Jenner. In the short commercial advert, Kendall was filmed in a photo shoot before she joined a group of people protesting. After joining the group, Kendall and the protesters approached a police officer with a can of Pepsi soda presenting to the cop. The company was forced to pull down the advert after it came under sharp criticism with many critics arguing Pepsi was using misfortunes of people to market their product. One of the main reasons for this argument was that it came at a time when America was experiencing a series of protests such as the Black Lives Matter. This paper examines Pepsi communication breakdown, the weaknesses and strengths in their communication process as by the advert.
During the mentioned event, the weaknesses of the communication process at Pepsi became widely known. From the commercial, it was evident that some poor decisions were made as evidenced by the massive backlash that the organization received. To begin with, Pepsi failed by not paying close attention to the changes in the market scenario that demands that company brands stand firm for their values regardless of whom they might offend in the process. In the case of the commercial, Pepsi did not consider this fact and instead chose to try to please everyone. For instance, the visual language as presented in the ad was a protest by young people, yet the protesters carried signs that called for peace and a message for people to “join the Conversation.” In the end, the company came out as fake and the values it though...
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