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Arranged Marriages in Indian Society

Essay Instructions:

Paper Urgency can be 4 hours


Documentary: Meet the Patels (available on

Amazon and Netflix)

Watch the documentary and address the following questions:

What is the process of arranged marriages? Who is involved? What procedures etc. are

involved in finding a spouse?

What options do spouses have in this particular society? Are there difference in the

choices of men and women?

Who is excluded in this process?

What characteristics are future spouses looking for in a potential match?

Check out a legitimate dating web site.

Determine the criteria that are used on the site to find a match? What characteristics

are relevant for successful partner searches?

Now compare the criteria of the dating site with the ones used in arranged marriages as presented

in the documentary.

Do you see similarities? What are differences?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Arranged Marriages in Indian Society
What is the process of arranged marriages? Who is involved? What procedures etc. are involved in finding a spouse?
The process of arranged marriage is the procedure or method which is used to help Indian men and women find spouses. As per the Indian traditions, it is the responsibility of the parents of the man or woman as well as the relatives to find their child a suitable spouse. However, the man and the woman are never involved and only get to meet once matching has taken place.
The procedures involved in the process includes research regarding prospective partners, the sorting of the profiles of the prospective partners, and finally, the selection of a suitable partner. Once a partner is identified, the next step is to schedule a meeting with the family. The above is the old way because today, people are given a chance to go on dates and enjoy courtship like people from other cultures.
The dates or the courtship period varies depending on the chemistry between couples. However, it should be noted that nothing is guaranteed and hence Ravi’s numerous dates. The search for one’s spouse takes time, and Ravi had to take the many dates and travel while looking for a person who is compatible with him. However, once a person meets their soulmate and the dating period ends, the families meet, and each gives their consent to marry.
What options do spouses have in this particular society? Are there differences in the choices of men and women?
The spouses’ options are quite limited. It should be noted that a suitable match must be found or else the marriage will not continue. Spouses are allowed to go on dates and get to know each other before they make their final decision. They are allowed to choose whomever they feel are compatible with them.
Spouses, however, are expected to choose from their castes or sub-castes as well as religion. It should be noted that in India several religions are being practiced. One must hence ensure they select someone who shares similar religious views. Culture is also another factor, and this comes in when families of the potential bride and groom are from orthodox and permissive or ope...
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