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The Power of Propaganda and Media Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

How might this idea drive an essay devoted to exploring it? How might 1984, our other readings serve your

idea? Remember, your point of view on the issue you are looking at needs to be the central organizing principle of your essay. This essay should be 3-5 pages in length and include a bibliography

of your sources (3-4 should suffice) that you use to support your thesis. These should also be acknowledged (cited) within the text of your essay.

Use the sources attached for reference.

Use examples from World War 2 (Especially from Hitler)


Central Idea: In a totalitarian society, propaganda through media is an effective way to gain power for a political leader.

Try to avoid using fancy language

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The Power of Propaganda and Media
Media has a massive collision on the society as a communication tool. It has a considerable amount of influence in society through the use of traditional communication tools such as magazines, radio, newspaper, Television and current bidirectional communication tools such as the internet. Media is a powerful tool since it can be used to set standards for societal norms, shape public opinions and established standards for societal norms. Consequently, studies have confirmed that media outlets use propaganda within advertising. The skill of Propaganda specifically entails being capable of awakening the imagination of the people by appealing to their thoughts, in discovering the suitable psychological outline that will capture the concentration and appeals to the heart of public masses. According to Soules, tactics of persuasion have become common in a media environment shaped by promotional culture. In most cases, such persuasion transforms into propaganda in situations where messages are constructed to mislead publics for political, cultural or economic gains deliberately. The paper, therefore, aims at finding out the role played by propaganda through media to gain political power by political leaders in a totalitarian society. The article reviews the literature of George Orwell 1984 in his novel as he demonstrates the underlying themes of propaganda and the dangers of totalitarianism.
Propaganda can be viewed as cultural practices that evolve continuously. A communication by the media can be propaganda or inducement depending on how such messages are perceived and interpreted by the public. Propaganda is used by the politicians to shift existing attitude by using anchoring values involving creative, playful and devious communication that resonates with the audience (Campbell et al.). Politicians through the media use deception, marketing energize and trickery to shape cultural politics mainly through the rhetoric of political speeches and announcements.
Propaganda can be used as a powerful brainwashing way. This is usually successful when the propaganda is tapped into existing beliefs and political culture. For instance, the Nazi Propaganda in Germany turned out victorious in portraying the Germans as supermen and making Hitler so powerful. Bie states that the secret behind the Nazi Propaganda was the attack on the young whose beliefs and ideas were yet to be formed or were partially formed. The Nazi used visual propaganda which was conducted through dramatic political rallies as a way of helping the public to remember their messages (Bie). Their propaganda Slogan composed by Joseph Goebbels was that “Repeat a lie a thousand times it becomes the truth.”
The visual propaganda helps in satisfying, convincing and manipulating the attitude of masses. The visual propaganda has a significant influence on the young people as it is perceived that what they see always stick in their mind for a long time. According to Bie, Adolf Hitler used the Nazi Propaganda to express his authority as the head of the state. Nazi Propaganda used visual images such as posters and photos, newspapers and videos as a way of ensuring that such images could attract more people. The visual propaganda was an attempt by the Nazi to exert psychological influences to the public. For instance, the Nazi used the individual portrait of Hitler to inflame the political sentiments of the people and arouse their emotional power (Bie).
Propaganda and media are powerful tools used by leaders to shape their leadership image. Pictorial image propaganda is being used by leaders in political rallies to portray their images as firm and authoritative leaders. This can be seen in the case of the Nazi Propaganda by the Nazi Party which used their publicists to spectacular pictures of vital power to win the masses. The publicists used every single chance to turn Hitler’s into authorization, idolization, and deification keeping him as a strong ruler (Bie). Generally, Hitler and the Nazi propaganda were meant to win the people’s h...
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